I’m Alive.

I’m still here.

I try to blog about five times a week.

Not under any official obligation, but because I like the writing, the sharing, the community.

But we just got back from a 9 day vacation (was it obvious?)

And now that we’re back, I’m doing all the work that comes from leaving for a few days.

All the unpacking, sorting, laundry, getting kids back on schedule, restocking a fridge and pantry that was run bare so nothing went bad, watering wilted plants, straigtening up the house that was left in shambles as we rushed out the door…

Ironic how much work it takes to go on vacation, isn’t it?

I have some fun pictures of our trip to share with you, but the thought of rummaging through them, editing, uploading…ugh.

Overwhelms me.

So, I’ll just pop in for a sec right now and say hi, I’m not dead but please be patient with me.

I’m here.

Living my fabulously glamorous life.

Think of me when I’m at Costco with three cranky overtired kids later today.

It’s gonna be awesome.

I can feel it in my bones.


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Welcome home. I agree vacation is exhausting! I think my honeymoon was the last time it felt relaxing.

    ❤Jodi from…
    ★★The Clutter-Free Classroom★★
    Helping Teachers Get Organized

  2. 2

    I love vacations… Can’t wait to see you pictures.

  3. 3

    Same thing going on here! I hope you had a very blessed, relaxed, memory filled time. :) Why does vacation have to be so much work? Moms should get a weekend away alone directly following a family vacation!

  4. 4

    Welcome home! Yes, I guess if one does a vacation “right” it results in needing a rest when one gets home. It could be worse. You could have gone camping. Nothing like dragging your entire household out to the woods only to have to wash it all upon arriving home. Not. For. Me. Ugh.
    Looking forward to seeing your pix.