The Plague.

Has descended upon our home.

All three kids have the stomach flu.

Plus me.

It’s not pleasant.

So far, Andy’s the only one that isn’t sick.


Shall we hedge bets on how long until he joins our pathetic little club?

Poor Lu seems to have it the worst.

Three sets of sheets last night alone.


Sick laundry is not awesome.

Somehow I feel worse today than I did yesterday.

Super lame.  I was hoping for one of those 24 hour deals.

So while I lay around on the couch and try to deal with three nasty littles, I’ll just pretend I’m lying in this.

Minus the creepy dude staring at me in the tub.

Hope your day is less vile than mine!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Hope yall are feeling better soon!
    Nika´s last blog post ..Trusting

  2. 2

    Hurry and get well. Nelle heads back today…let her know if you need her.

  3. 3
    Denissa says:

    Oh NO! So sorry you’re all sick at the same time, that is the worst! Hope it passes quick and you feel better :)

  4. 4

    whaaaa. what a bummer. hope you get the pukies over with before the hubs gets it! or better yet, maybe he’ll be able to bypass it. bleck.
    purejoy´s last blog post ..cmon over!

  5. 5

    Boo! So sorry you’re all sick TOGETHER. That does NOT sound like fun. I hope it ends soon!
    Sarah´s last blog post ..Meal Plan Monday

  6. 6

    I was totally disturbed by the creepy man behind the tub…(1st thing I saw in the pic… extreamly releaved you mentioned him.)
    Nothing like being sick and taking care of other people at the same time.
    I will pray for you
    Cari Chastain´s last blog post ..bad Cari bad girl

  7. 7

    I’m so sorry J.. sounds horrible!!! Poor LuLu…sounds like a day to stay home and watch videos! hugs- b

  8. 8

    summer bummer! sick sheets when you are not feeling well yourself if the worst. maybe since you are all sick at the same time it will not cycle and then restart like it does at our home. great for snuggle time on the couch and lots of movies but other than that it pretty much bites. oh, not liking the guy staring at the tub either. yikes.
    sandi´s last blog post ..umm- maybe i AM a role model

  9. 9

    i hope you are feeling better soon :)

  10. 10

    Oh no! Feel better! And what IS up with that creepy dud staring at the tub?ewwwww!
    Jami´s last blog post ..Holiness &amp Sincerity

  11. 11

    Whenever I get the “24 hour” bug I’m down for at least 2 days. A day of sick and a day to rest and recover. I hope it goes away fast. And LOVE the bathroom – but yeah, nix the budda! :)
    Lori´s last blog post ..Through the Valley

  12. 12

    ACK! My family and I went through this exact episode this past spring… twice. :-( I hope you and your littles get to feeling better soon!
    Danni´s last blog post ..I really know how to party