Little Friends

Remember William & Hannah?

They came to Henry’s birthday party.

Which was pretty fancy since it was their first big kid party and all.

My kids were smitten with the babies.

Downright smitten.

But then again, so am I.

I love the personalities.

Lucy the mother hen checking on little Hannah.  Is she alright?  Okay, good.

Jilly glowing.  “Hey look Mom!  Someone smaller than me!”

Lucy: “Hey.  I want a baby too!  What gives?!  Can’t anyone have triplets around here???!!!”

Henry: “This is kind of embarrassing.  I hope none of my buddies sees this.”

Look at Jill’s face.  Horror.

“Ummmmmm.  Mooooooom?  Something’s happening over here.  Get it.  Quick.  It’s freaking out.”

Lucy: “I still really want a baby to hold. How come I got hosed?”

“Okay.  Seriously.  It’s still making noise.  What am I supposed to do with it?”

Now Lucy’s concerned: “Um, hello.  Someone.  She’s not kidding.  It’s still crying.  Someone’s gotta fix this!”

Henry’s stoked he has the quiet one.

That’s better.  He can sit next to me.

Okay, this is fun.  He’s kinda squishing me.  But he’s cute.  And not crying.

Mom.  William’s crying again.  I think he’s afraid the pillows are going to eat us.


Man, this baby thing is hard.  I’m exhausted.

I die at the cuteness.

Lucy commandeered the babies and held one any chance she got.

Henry kept asking me shyly if he could “pet them”.

Jill crawled over intrigued whenever they were in their seats.


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I LOVE the facial expressions and captions. This fulfilled my cuteness needs for the morning- loved every moment (I even read it twice).

  2. 2

    Oh….my….gosh. I laughed so hard at your comments and the kids faces. Seriously. I needed this today. Too funny! Just found your blog recently and its on my coffee read list in the morning. Keep it up , sister, you are too funny!

  3. 3

    this is the cutest/funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. I love your captions. Thanks for brightening my morning!

  4. 4

    Oh my word!! Stinkin cute!!!!!!!

  5. 5

    oh the running commentary. peeing in my pants. too funny.
    i see no other solution. you must have triplets immediately!

  6. 6
    Stephanie says:

    Tooo cute!! and Lucy’s hair is just adorable!

  7. 7

    Oh my!! Precious. My sister in love had twins, AMAZING and exhausting. What great pictures!