Oh High School…

Oh.  My.  Word.

I pretty much died when my little sister handed me this ooooooollllllldddddd picture she had found somewhere.



That’s me & Andy.  Senior Prom.  Circa 1998.

Not dating.  Just friends.

But if it isn’t obvious, we clearly liked eachother.

Me in my sparkle-irific strapless dress, platform heels, and an updo.

Because you just can’t go to prom without an updo.

Andy in a rented tux.

A purple paisley vested tux.


As in, I’m fully blushing.

And if you know me in real life, you know that I don’t blush.

So, why, you ask, do I post it on the INTERNET????

Because it’s funny too.

And sometimes funny overrides embarrassing, right?

Because you see, a few months earlier, Marci, a mutual friend would say to me:

“Andy wants to ask you to prom.”

To which I would reply:

“Oh no.  Please no.  Please tell him not to so that I don’t have to say no.  So awkward.  Promise you’ll tell him to not ask me?”

And weeks went by and Marci reported that he had asked some other random girl to prom.

Some girl that didn’t even go to our school.


Some girl that Marci described as “Super hot.  She’s the girl all the boys want to date and all the girls want to be.”


Game changer.

What the heck?!

WHO is this girl???!!!


Pretty sure I didn’t like this girl.

Official diagnosis: Certified, Grade A Jealous.

And prom was just an excuse to check out this supposed Hot Chick.

For the record: Hot Chick was, by my estimation, only “okay”.  I mean, she wasn’t ugly but I certainly had no desire to be her.

Evs.  I had this.

And had this I did, because just 4 years later, that same boy would be in a different rental tux, and I’d be in a different strapless dress …

So Hot Chick…

I win.



{If you want to read all of our dating story, check out Parts 1, 2, & 3…and The Proposal if you really want to kill some time on the internet today.}


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    you are so funny! love both the shots…nice to see how we change over time. i wore a similar sparkly dress to my prom as well. i did not have an updo…but i did have big waving (curling iron to the side to make it stick out) hair. YIKES!
    melissa´s last blog post ..-and we have a WINNER-

  2. 3
    Mary Kay says:

    I remember his date . . . some may say “hot” . . . but she couldn’t even carry on a conversation. Andy got both looks and smarts with you!

  3. 5

    My senior prom was in ’98 as well, but I didn’t go. But as a Jr. I went and I’m pretty sure my dress looked a LOT like that one but short, and my shoes were exactly like those but silver. And I had dated who would become my husband in high school as well…. but we didn’t attend senior prom together because we were already married! ;o)
    Sugar Mama´s last blog post ..What I Wish I Wore Wednesday- Farmer’s Market

  4. 6

    See the top picture….makes me love you a little more today… HAWT!
    Julie {Angry Julie Monday}´s last blog post ..Cooking Connections

  5. 7
    Carrie R. says:

    Wow, that pic takes me back to high school. And it also reminds me of that movie “She’s All That”. What girl wasn’t wearing platform shoes in the late 90’s? ;o)

  6. 8

    Cute! Totally full circle!

    And oh those chunky shoes….that is one fashion statement I think we are all glad to leave in the 90’s.
    Kim´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday- A Cozy Cuppa

  7. 9
    Rachel Slagle says:

    so now i’m curious because i can’t remember – who did he go with to the prom? oh and i have lots of h.s. pics of him somewhere – i need to dig them out and send you some :)

  8. 10

    I love the prom pic.. Andy looks about 12 years old and wayyyy tooo happy:-) I’ve never seen him with such long hair! hehe!!

  9. 11

    at least your dress was somewhat stylish… had you gone to the senior prom in 1986 (has it really been that long) you would have worn a crinoline under your ballgown. or maybe that was just a southern thing. i am just glad i did not marry my prom date!
    sandi´s last blog post ..Jesus and meredith

  10. 12

    I actually said “whoa.” out loud when I saw your prom picture. It’s all sorts of awesome.
    Kate´s last blog post ..Integrity and Green Monsters

  11. 13

    I just read your dating story and I adore it. So similar to mine. I had “that summer” at 17 too. The big difference is we did wait till 26 to get married. And it’s so true – just a different anniversary date. Cute prom picture.

  12. 14

    And you also have adorable kids to boot!!!
    Robbin´s last blog post ..God Gave the Song

  13. 15

    Love seeing these pictures! Funny definitely overrides embarrassing. Such a sweet story.

  14. 16

    Super cute. And I won’t be participating in that ‘link your senior prom to my blog’ action, thanks. Although I believe I have that picture posted on my facebook page, feel free to peruse…. ;o)

  15. 17

    My prom date had a purple vested tux too. He wanted to roll up in a purple PT cruiser to match my dress! Can you say sweet? :D

    No I didn’t marry him as we’re of different faiths (me protestant, he mormon) but 6 years later I married my hubby. :)
    Kara´s last blog post ..WFD? What’s for dinner tonight?