It Was a Good Day

I love how God is in the little things.

Remember this post where I made the decision to not be a grump head?

THAT day…the same day I posted about being in a rut of just getting through the day and not doing anything fun…I had a fabulous day.

If I was ever forced to list my top five favorite women in the world, THREE of those unexpectedly brightened my day.

One right after the other.

Friend #1 stopped by unannounced.  She was in town and thought she would swing by to say hello.

It didn’t matter that she hadn’t called first.

It didn’t matter that when she called, I was literally in the middle of cleaning a toilet.

It didn’t matter that I had ZERO make up on, my hair was pulled back into a sloppy pony, and as I sat on the couch chatting, I smelled the sweet smell of Soft Scrub.

We chatted, hung out, laughed.

Within half an hour of leaving, Friend #2 pulled into my driveway.

Bearing gifts of love because she reads my blog and she’s just like that and has a heart the size of Texas.

Flowers, dinner and a hug.

And while she totally didn’t have to do it, it made my day that she cared.

She stayed for a bit and we talked about motherhood, how things aren’t always what they seem, or how we pictured it, but how it’s always perfect in the end.

After all this talk of giving in to fun, I stopped mid toilet scrub, and decided to institute and impromptu craft time with Henry.

And we made this goofy Thanksgiving Advent turkey.

As we were finishing up, Friend #3 called.

Just to say hi.

And that she was thinking of us.

Again, we chatted and connected and I was so happy to hear her voice.

As you might have guessed by now, it took me approximately 8 hours to actually finish cleaning one bathroom.

But I don’t care.

This is what life is about.

Relationships and construction paper turkeys is what life is really about.

Toilet be damned.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I love this post. The floors can stay dirty in my house…but we will have fun and live life. That is what it is about…not how clean the baseboards or even the sink is!
    Kati´s last blog post ..The Back-up Plan

  2. 2

    dude. i’d live in squalor to have relationships like that!! and i LOVE the turkey!! great idea.

    no SUPER idea! i wish i had kiddles in my midst to share that brilliance with!!

  3. 3

    Here Here! Laundry be damned!! Oh wait, you said toilets :)
    Mari´s last blog post ..Musings from a Mother of 4 at a University Gym

  4. 4

    Cute :)
    Charissa Steyn´s last blog post ..Laugh Like Sarah!

  5. 5

    Good friends are priceless. Sometimes it’s hard choosing people over clean toilets, but there are exceptions. :-)
    Lindsay´s last blog post ..It’s All in the Packaging