High Maintenance

It’s not my fault.

Andy did it to me.

He spoils me.

More than I realize sometimes.

I didn’t used to be this way.

This morning, I stumbled downstairs for my daily cup of joe.

To find the pot empty.

And not just that the program button wasn’t set…but as in…I fully had to make the coffee myself.

Like, actually dump the old wet grounds and refill it!!!


No really you guys.  I’m not being dramatic.  This is bad.  Really bad.

My initial reaction was an overwhelming desire to go upstairs and pour ice water on my sleeping husband.

And I really didn’t care that it would mean getting the bed soaked.

You don’t mess with me and my morning routine.  Because if you do, you will pay.

I held back and instead made the stinking coffee myself.  Grumbling.

And halfway through realized…man…I’m a brat.

I haven’t had to make the coffee in…I don’t know…years.

And I remembered the time he was out of town on business and the first morning I woke up to find:

a) no coffee in the pot.

b) every door in my house unlocked.

c) a freezing living room because the windows were wide open.

d) and upon leaving the house hours later…the garage door was also open.  All night.

“Wow.  Thank you Lord for protecting me and my children all night while we slept…and thank you for an amazing husband that takes care of us even when we don’t realize it.  And coffee.  Thank you for coffee.  In general.”

Last week, Julie and I had a series of texts that went something like this:

“I just drove all the way across town to the only full service station…on less than fumes.”

“Full service?  Like they pump your gas???”

“Yeah.  I don’t pump my own gas.  Ever.”

“Wow, I didn’t even know they still had those!”

Because last week was probably one of 4 times I’ve had to get my own gas in like…oh…THREE YEARS.

I got out and cleaned my windshield.  (Which I now realize was silly…I should have asked the attendant to do it…duh!)

When I got back in the car Henry says:

“Mommy, what are you doing?  You don’t do that!  That’s a Daddy job!”

Yes, yes son.  It most certainly is.

And you best take as good care of your wife someday as your Daddy does of me.

What does your husband quietly and faithfully do for you that you take for granted?

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    What a great man! It does take days like that to remind us all what we take for granted…you are not alone…

    I haven’t had to buy red meat in…oh, but once in like 13 years…my husband deer hunts…and as I grew up vegetarian, I hate buying meat…I don’t like to buy anything that is not frozen…and I feel adrift in the meat department of the grocery…

    SO…as I wait and whine about having to make a special trip to the butcher…I am thankful that I don’t have to stand like a lost lamb in Kroger. :)

  2. 2

    I’m a control freak, but when we got married we split up the bills and he pays them on time and i don’t even think about it or remind him. This might not sound like a big deal-but i would have anxiety attacks about paying thing ontime before. So in a sence-he’s eased my mind.
    Men are great-it’s even better when you get a great man.
    stephanie´s last blog post ..New Adventures

  3. 3

    Love that you have a great hubs too! My hubs makes the coffee and the kids’ breakfast every morning (when not traveling). I LOVE that about him and it makes me miss him even more when he does travel.

    And yes, he also makes sure my car gets washed regularly and is filled up with gas. LOVE him!

    Truly, though, when you have to wash and fold someone’s underwear and socks, I feel like they kinda owe you one! ; )
    Amy ~ Eat. Live. Laugh. Shop.´s last blog post ..Happy Weekend

  4. 4

    Oh man…we installed a wood burning stove last February because my husband was out of work and we couldn’t afford the gas bills to run our furnace as much as you need to in winter in Northeast Ohio. He goes out and cuts down the trees and splits and stacks the firewood. Now we’re using stove again since it’s cold, and he is getting some steady work lately. Which means…I have to keep feeding this beast all day to keep the house warm (while homeschooling our first grader and our 4-year-old who is doing kindergarten work…keeping our 2-year-old from maiming himself or getting into ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING and nursing our 3-month-old). He has to set a timer when he leaves in the morning so I don’t forget and let the fire go out! Because, um, that’s happened before. Oops. It’s OK as long as you don’t have days like today…when I almost set the house on fire because a log tried to roll out as I was putting in on the hot coal bed.


    He also makes the coffee. So I feel you.
    Jennifer´s last blog post ..7 years ago today

  5. 5

    oh what a good reminder!

    my hubby takes out the trash, shreds the chicken, cooks the meat, and tucks me in when he gets out of bed in the morning to let me sleep in :)

  6. 7

    Love it! Last week I was driving with my 8 month old and my scared-of-everything-but-the-lawn mower lab. I had to get gas, which like you, I NEVER do. I have this rule about having at least 1 car door open if the baby is in the car by himself. Which means, the scared-of-everything Molly had to come out of the car with me to get gas. Karson was screaming, and wimpy Molly was trying to jump up me so I would hold her. Yes my extremely small, but still a lab, wanted me to hold her, pump gas, and console my screaming baby in the car. I put $5 in and called my Hubby to remind him why I NEVER put gas in my car! :-)
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Monday

  7. 9

    My wonderful husband also checks the doors every night. He will often get up and bring the baby in the room when she wakes up crying.

    I’ve been reminded lately just how wonderful he is and how much I appreciate him.
    Eyvonne´s last blog post ..The Spiritual Slideshow

  8. 10

    My husband just loves me…through all of life’s adventures…and has for more than 35 years. That’s what’s the most important thing to me.

  9. 11

    I snorted at your last question – because I’M the one who usually puts gas in the cars, and mows the lawn and pays the bills. He’s not great at remembering that stuff. But I will say, he’s paranoid about the house being secure, so he makes sure the doors and windows are locked and he’s GREAT at killing bugs and spiders (shiver).
    Kirsten´s last blog post ..In case you need to know

  10. 12

    Love this post. I take a little of the credit, since I did raise your husband, but he also has a healthy dose of taking care of people well from my dad, Andy (so surprising they have the same name!). My husband, Brian, takes the best care of me, from filling and emptying the dishwasher to helping fold laundry and make the bed, to putting gas in my car, to paying the bills. I am so thankful for him on a daily basis.

  11. 13

    Are you in Oregon? I thought that was the only state left where they pumped your gas… man I love Oregon…

    Hmmm… what does my hubby do that I take for granted … he roasts our coffee here at home. When we run out, I don’t know how to use the machine (plus the smoke from roasting the coffee jacks me up) and act like a Neanderthal seeing fire for the first time.

  12. 15

    Mine does none of these sweet things. Hmm what am I doing wrong.

    • 16

      Oh I’m sure he does sweet things! They just might look different! Does he keep the oil in your car changed, or remind you when its time to go to Jiffy Lube? Does he work his tail feather off to provide for you and your littles? That in and of itself is HUGE! :)
      jeannett´s last blog post ..High Maintenance