I know.

I know that you probably scroll right through videos posted on blogs.
I know that it’s not because you don’t want to see them.
I know you would likely agree that they are probably good and worth watching.
I know that you will downright groan when you see that it is 15 minutes long.
I know that when you see the title you will probably think “Oh, I’ve heard every side and version of that issue.”
I know that you have not.
I know that as I plead with you to make the time to watch it, you will think to yourself “Okay, I’ll come back to it later.”
I know that a diaper will need changed.
And lunch made.
And milk spilled.
And laundry folded.
And dinner started.
And baths taken.
I know that by the end of all of that, your intention of coming back to watch this video will have been long forgotten.
I know.
I know that you will be better for watching this.
I know that you will love it.
I know that you will be changed.
I had seen these videos floating around the internet for a few weeks now.
And the person I described above was me.
Finally…I thought…”Okay, I’ve seen this everywhere…I should watch it.”
I started with a simple head nod.
A furrowed brow.
Then goosebumps.
Tears welling.
Which progressed to sobbing.
And ending in a hooting and hollering from my little computer desk, as if she could hear me cheering all the way from California.
Because somewhere in the middle of it all…there was one little face I couldn’t get out of my head.
And I’m pretty sure you guys will know whose face and at what point in her speech I latched on.
Find the time.
For my birthday. ;)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    This totally wrecked me the first time I watched it. Watching again for good measure that the truth of life being God’s gift to give and take away will be firmly planted in my heart.

    Happy Birthday!
    Jenni Carlisle´s last blog post ..Life Made Lovely with my Sissy

  2. 2

    So good! There were two or Three lines that stuck out to me, made me laugh, or really think. Glad she praises the Lord for what happened to her!

    You can’t hurt me because my Father runs the World!

  3. 3

    Chills. Great.

  4. 4

    This is amazing. Thank you for sharing. My favorite quote – You better be nice to me, my Father runs the world.” We all need to remember that.
    Kyla´s last blog post ..TOO Cute Tuesday- Linky Par-tay!

  5. 5

    Yes! It’s truly amazing.


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