
That is the number of times I have read this book to Henry.

In fact, I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t let him pick his own bedtime story anymore.

Because 100% of the time, it will be THIS book.

We fight.

We argue.

He whines.

I whine.

Sometimes there will even be tears.

From both of us.

“NO!  Pick something different!  Mommy’s tired of reading that one!!!”

“No Mommy!  I want to see the engines!!!”

“Henry, you can look at the pictures later, but pick a different story.”

“Okay…can you read this one…?”

“…and then when you are done reading this one, will you read the airplane book?”

With such a little hopeful face.


We have Arthur, we have dozens of Dr. Seuss, we have Bible stories, and Curious George…and and and…

All he wants is Airplanes.  With a generous sprinkling of Trucks.

And if this is a phase, it sure is a LONG one.  He’s been obsessed with it for…oh…like a YEAR AND A HALF.

I have the dumb thing memorized…

“The double decker Airbus A380 is the largest passenger jet in the world.  But the 747 is still the best known jumbo jet…”

Seriously people.

Just shoot me in the face now.

Put me out of my misery.

Do your kids have a book that they seriously want to read over and over and over and over again?

And I don’t mean for a few weeks…I mean…like their ENTIRE CHILDHOOD????

Speaking of reading, have you read Maggie‘s story yet?

Speaking of kids, have you donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital yet?

Can we add a few bucks to that total?

Can YOU add a few bucks to that total?

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 2

    Llama Llama Red Pajama. I thought it was so cute at first. Even asked my MIL to buy him the rest of the Llama books for his birthday. And I know what you mean about having it memorized! My husband and I can both quote nearly the entire book. Even my sons old babysitter would make comments about HOW MANY TIMES she had read Llama Llama Red Pajama :)

  2. 3

    I have been known to hide books for long periods of time. Otherwise, I seriously would have lost what little sanity remained.

  3. 4
    rachel heldt says:

    My girls only want to be read library books. The ones we own can be read any old time so there is no interest there. I’m working on adding in a Bible story too. So one library book and one Bible story.

  4. 5

    “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” what it is with boys and reading ONLY one book??? Come to think of it, my husband has only read one book (The Hobbit) and he graduated top of his class in college… without reading… Maybe Donovan will be really smart too!
    Mari´s last blog post ..Hidden Treasure

  5. 6

    Read it backwards, read it upside down, have him “read” / quote a page and you read a page, have him find the letters of his name or go through the alphabet with him. It could be instructive … ? I do resort to hiding but sometimes I just push through and give my child those 4:55 seconds of joy – the current time it takes me to read “Oh Say Can you Say”, I’m aiming at getting it down to 4:45 just to give myself a goal.

  6. 7

    seriously… here. let me load the gun.

    i’m thankful you have a boy who wants to read. mine would NEVER sit still that long. wonder why it took till he was in flippin COLLEGE to discover he was A.D.D.??

    purejoy´s last blog post ..Love Immeasurable… Love Divine!

  7. 8

    Bear Hunt was ours, too. “can’t go over it. can’t go under it. we’ve got to go THROUGH (said in a super annoying sing-song voice) it…” Ugh. Shoot me, too.

  8. 9
    Rachel Slagle says:

    his choice is not surprising given who is daddy is :) but yes, the same book over and over is annoying. dillon has a few like that – even he has them memorized :)

  9. 10

    Hahaha, this reminds me of the book my brother (14 yrs younger than me) wanted read a million times a day: I am a Bunny (http://www.amazon.com/Am-Bunny-Golden-Sturdy-Book/dp/0375827781). Seriously, he had that thing memorized and still does!! TO THIS DAY! I like to remind him of it now that he’s 19 and all big and bad and about to join the Navy. Yeah, ’cause that’s my payback for having to read that dang book to him a billion times. Ah, yes, life is good.

  10. 11

    I got this book for Luke. But it’s hidden for a while. Lol.


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