Just a little bit longer…

Hey guys! Normally, today would be the start of a new guest blogger, fundraiser and giveaway. But it's not. For a variety of reasons: 1) most of the first week that Matt's story was hosted, … [Read more...]

Trends I Could Do Without

While I was in So. Cal last week, I, of course, went to the mall. We don't have a mall here. Wait, that's untrue. We do. But it's a very poor excuse for a mall.  So it totally doesn't count in my … [Read more...]

Taming the Beast

If left to their own devices, my eyebrows would be a bushy, crazy mess. In fact, I'd likely be rocking a unibrow. Not good. For much of my adult life, I plucked, cursed, waxed, and cursed. Not … [Read more...]

Lu’s Shoes

When I saw these bright yellow Chucks, I knew I had to get them for Lu. Bright, happy, fun and just a touch crazy. That's my LuLu. Sometimes I wonder if I'm projecting. You know, emphasizing the … [Read more...]


Aye! So, I completely forgot to pull a winner from the last giveaway!!! Why don't you people remind me of these things???!!! This mama's brain is mashed potatoes somedays! Without further ado, the … [Read more...]