
So, yesterday I wrote up this whole post about how I’m in a funk.

Nothing specific, just grumpy and annoyed.

I feel like every time I turn around I get bad news or at the very least “coulda been better” news.

And I’m tired.

Not sleepy tired.

Just mamas-worn-out-and-needs-a-day-at-the-spa tired.

And the bills from Jilly’s extravaganza have started trickling in.

And that’s just annoying.

But I didn’t publish because I thought:

“Jeannett, no one wants to read about your whining nonsense.”

So, I decided to go to Home Depot for some paint instead.

As I stood chatting with a woman about the different hues of white, she suddenly looks over and says:

“Is this your first baby?”

::blink blink::

“When are you due?”


“Oh!  Are you not pregnant!  I’m sorry!”

“Nope, not pregnant.”



Just what I needed.

I will say that coming home to a surprise package from sweet Lisa did make me feel better.

Still fat, but better.

Thank you friend for making my day a little brighter!

You can get your own birdie necklace here.

And think of my non-pregnant self every time you wear it.

Got any liposuction tools in your kit?

Mail ’em over!

Only one day left to enter to win a shop credit to The Pleated Poppy!!!

Have you given to Compassion yet?

Just $1 will help.


I’d LOOOOOVE to see us reach our goal!

Can you help us get there???



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    But you’re so skinny!! Whenever I see you at church you look a little bit tinier. I”m not just making that up. You look great. Period. Not “you look great for having 3 children” not “you look great for having twins”. You just look great!

  2. 2

    Nice!!!! My son told told his little sister last night ( after a day from hell) that there was no Santa Claus. He said that he thought it was me because I was fat enough.

  3. 3

    Oh Jeannett… you made me laugh. A worker in GAP pointed me to the maternity section. Granted it was a couple months after I gave birth to Bella, but still. Nice. I was actually going to GAP to get some clothes that FIT! :-) Hope your day is better…
    Jenny´s last blog post ..updates

  4. 4

    Is it wrong to laugh?! I can only imagine the look on your face when she asked that, and I don’t even know you! I just know what MY face would look like.
    I sure hope your day gets better. One thing that I love is random unexpected gifts in the mail! I received one from my bestie on Monday and it made my day! :)
    Katie´s last blog post ..Samantha Update

  5. 5

    I was asked when I was due while I was in the middle of teaching a step class……I was about 9mo postpartum. I about died, but made a joke instead. What’s a girl to do?