Bed Head

Jill has crazy hair.


First off, it’s blonde.

Which is still super weird to me.

I know my husband and his family are fair haired, but all those little dominant/recessive gene tables I did in 10th grade biology (where I met Andy for the first time!)  assured me all my kids would be brunettes.

So it still weirds me out to have this little blonde fairy flitting about.

Super strange.

Anyway…my point…did I have one?…

Oh, her hair.

It’s long and pin straight (her sister will envy her not having to flat iron every morning as teens!), and thin and wispy and…


Add a little bit of humidity and it goes every which way.

We call it her Albert Einstein look.

Or the I-just-stuck-my-finger-in-a-socket-and-got-electrocuted look:

and no, we didn’t “style” it like this.  It just kinda does it on its own.

Sometimes only half her hair goes crazy…

So I find myself licking my hand and smooshing it down.

Total Mom Mode.

Finally, one day, cousin Nelle decided to just embrace the crazy.

Notice how Jill looks more like Nelle’s baby and not mine.

Except that Nelle’s not married.  And I’d kill her.

And we ended up with a new resemblance:

Happy Monday!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    she doesn’t look a think like albert einstein, but she is a DEAD RINGER for that kewpie doll!! i used to have several of those little porceline gals hanging around. don’t know what happened to them.
    she’s ah-freakin-dorable. i’d never get anything done. i’d be too busy sitting and staring at my kids.
    purejoy´s last blog post ..i would never leave…

  2. 2

    OMG your pictures are really making me smile today. the comparison to Albert Einstein and then the cupie doll are just too real!

  3. 3

    Both of our kids are total genetic anomolies (sp?). My husband and I have both have dark hair. My eyes are brown- his are green. Both kids have light hair and crystal BLUE eyes. No one on either side of our family has blue eyes. How??! Love the crazy hair- hilarious!
    Jordan´s last blog post ..All in a Day

  4. 4

    she’s cute no matter what her hair looks like

  5. 5

    She and her hair are just adorable. Mine are all blondies and I would be stumped if I have one with dark hair, so I can just about imagine your stumped-ness. Or something.
    Lindsay´s last blog post ..Sheet Day!

  6. 6

    LOVE this post!!

    I, too, was shocked to have 3 out of 4 recessive kids…my girls all got blue eyes. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?? Only my son got the brown…and the heredity chart assured me that there would only be one…I guess we need to step in to biology and through that out of the curriculum!! BUT stupid genes cursed all my girls with my insane hair:

    Its just not right…