
No make up.

Hair looking like a rat’s nest.

Train wreck status.

In a McDonald’s.

Free Wi-Fi.

Had to STAND ON THE TABLE to plug my laptop in…

you know, because offering free wi-fi and having all of your outlets IN THE CEILING…

totally logical.

And yes, that’s where they are supposed to be.

The employees showed me.

OSHA would love it.


But this is what I do for my readers.


I blog.

Come wind, fire, or just plain being somewhere that doesn’t have net.

So, a Mack-Donald’s it is.

You better love me.

And my hot mess self.


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    wow jeannett. thanks so much for sacrificing for my benefit. you could have killed yourself (from the food… not from climbing on the table)
    i think plugs on the ceiling makes perfect sense!! (whatinthisworld??)
    you’re such a trooper for us. thanksloveyameanit.
    purejoy´s last blog post ..tgif and a look to the weekend

  2. 2

    Love the effort for your adoring fans. Thanks!

  3. 3

    LOL – Love this post. Rat’s nest hair and all. Thank you for risking your life & being brave enough to share. :) You’re one dedicated chicka!
    Shelle´s last blog post ..Photo group and chalkboard paint party

  4. 4

    you are awesome girl! MWAH!
    Krystina Montemurro´s last blog post ..Its the little things

  5. 5

    And I thought I was the only one who shimmied up McDonalds furniture to plug in. Seriously, what is UP with that??? I cannot figure it out either. But at least you could get on their “Free” Wi-Fi. I could not. No matter how hard I tried. What’s the trick??

  6. 6

    LOVE it! :] I was staring at the photo for a moment wondering ‘what in the world is hanging from the ceiling?!?’ and then i read the caption!
