A little bit of this…A little bit of that…

Cuz this is where it’s AT.

(brownie points if you know what that’s from).

So, once again, I have a random hodge-podge of things for you guys:

Remember the SheyB $25 shop credit?

And remember how Rebecca won it?

Well, Ms. Rebecca emailed to say that while she was happy to have won, she wanted to pass it along to someone else!


the newly (randomly selected) winner is:

David Welcker!!!!

(please email me asap so we can coordinate!)

AND remember the Cora’s dress we were giving away?

Well, sadly, the winner never emailed me back.  :(

I emailed her three times and either I’m going to spam or something is getting crossed in cyberspace…

so, I am picking a new winner:

Tracy Tuggle!!!

(please email soon!)

Don’t forget to vote.  Again.

Did you do a 4th of July post on your own blog?

Link up below!

And if you are in a reader, click through to see the posts others linked!

Lastly, but certainly NOT least…but definately most importantly of all:

give a little in honor of Courtney.

In memory perhaps of someone you know who’s been touched by cancer.

Give $1.

Give $5.

Give whatever you can.

This is the last week!  Let’s see how much we can raise!!!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    is that that car commercial with the little hampsters?!

  2. 2

    Hi! I love your site and I am bummed that I missed your giveaway for the Cora dress. Do you have a tutorial anywhere on your blog? I would love one!