Send me to Blissdom!

What the heck is Blissdom, you ask?

Only THE biggest and bestest blogging conference of the year!

Didn’t even know there were blogging conferences?

Yeah, I didn’t either until last year when half of my friends went.

Anyway, here’s the deal:

So much of blogging is about networking, relationship building, and connections.

Much of this is done over the internet (obviously), but much is also done face to face.

Everyone I know who went to Blissdom last year had nothing but amazing things to say and saw huge impact on their blogs because of it.

AND, because the whole point of this little corner of cyberspace is devoted to fundraising…

…well, the more readers I have, the more money we raise (theoretcially anyway).

The one *tiny* problem I had was…um…money.

Between airfare (it’s in Nashville), conference tickets, and hotel…I probably need around $800.


I just can.not justify spending that kind of money out of pocket…

particularly on a blog that does not produce any kind of income for myself.

I don’t sell a product, I don’t make anything, this isn’t a business write off.

So how can I get to Blissdom and ultimately raise oodles of money for future guest bloggers and charities???

By selling ad space.

Beginning July1 I will be offering ad space in my sidebar.

All proceeds to go to the “Send Jeannett to Nashville Fund”.

SO, if you have a shop and/or blog and are interested in advertising, email me at jeannett{at}liferearranged{dot}com and I can let you know my rates and any other information you might need.

Blissdom isn’t until end of January 2011.

Hopefully I can raise enough money by then to go.

We shall see.

I’ll keep you all apprised of my progress.

Tell your crafty friends!

It’s for a good cause (in a roundabout sorta way!)

{As a side note, I totally waffled on doing this…I just didn’t want anyone to think I was being shady selling ad space.  Hope you don’t think I’m ghetto.}

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    LOL about feeling ghetto! :) I think this is a great idea and would totally do it if I knew for sure I’d continue keeping my hat business open. With three kiddos I’m just not sure what I’m gonna be doing with the business now. :(

    I’ll say a prayer that things go well with your fundraising efforts. Blissdom sounds amazing!
    .-= Veronica´s last blog ..Two months! =-.

  2. 2

    Not ghetto, entrepreneurial. Wait. Did I spell that right?


    Sending good thoughts/prayers/energy your way and hope you sell loads of ad space!


  3. 3

    It’s OK, Jeannett. I thought you were ghetto way before this.