Mixed Bag

Lots of different things to say today so this is going to be a mixed bag:

I know that I have yet to really give you guys an update on Jill.  I’ll give you the detailed low-down tomorrow.

But for now, just know that she is doing great, no new seizures, we started meds and we’re just getting used to our new normal.

In other news…

We raised $633 for Word Made Flesh!!!  You guys are amazing!

What’s more, we’ve raised $2,600 as a group for all of the different fundraisers so far!!!  You guys are rad.

There’s really no other way to describe it!


The lucky, lucky winner of the SheyB $25 shop credit is

Rebecca Sjonger!!!!

Please email me ASAP so we can coordinate your winnings!!!


I was FEATURED!!!!

Design Dazzle
The girls’ nursery was featured on Design Dazzle HERE!

So fun!

And last, but not least…

I’ve been nominated for a Blog Luxe Award for Most Inpsiring Blog!


So, would you mind voting for Life.Rearranged?

Please?  Pretty please?

(and while you’re at it, you can vote for Lindsey, Lisa, Kelle, and Julie too!)

You can vote EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. between now and July 12.

And don’t think I won’t be reminding you.

Every. single. day.


Glad we had this talk.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Oh Jill, we are still praying for you. I hope the meds haven’t altered your personality or behavior too much. I hope you’re ok. Tell your mom that I hate voting for things online but I voted for her blog because I think she is doing something wonderful and amazing. K?