Happy Birthday Little Man!

Dear Henry,

Mommy is so sorry she can’t be there with you this birthday morning.  I am so sorry that you won’t get your morning birthday gift today.  But the good news is that you have no idea what today is…so I get a mommy pass.  We’ll do it tomorrow and you’ll be none the worse for wear for it.  :)  Did you know that three years ago today, Mommy and Daddy were in this same exact hospital…just a few feet away holding a teeny tiny you?  That we were so so so tired but so so so in love with your wrinkly little self?  Three years ago last night we joked how we were supposed to be having a nice anniversary dinner, but instead we were having hospital jello because I was in labor.  Funny how de ja vu the last couple of days have been!

You are the coolest kid ever.  So much fun.  Always cracking us up.  Always driving me batty with your non-stop chatter.  I love you little boy.  See ya later this afternoon.  Sister misses you.  She told me.

* * * *

Jill is doing great.  She a bit grumpy this morning and hard to keep happy.  Which, if you know Jill, is HIGHLY unlike her.  She seriously never cries.  But this morning she’s been out of sorts.  I would imagine she’s uncomfortable with all the monitors and wires hooked up to her, and she probably just wants to go home.  It is, after all, her brother’s birthday!  There might be cake she’s missing out on!

All went well last night.  No seizures.  Nothing unusual.  And besides being grumpy dumpy this morning, she’s fine and normal.  I did notice that when I tried to hand her a bagel, she was extra shaky and it seemed really hard for her to coordinate her movement enough to grab it from me.  Hopefully that’s temporary.

Waiting to hear back from radiology to get in for our MRI.  Hoping to have it done first thing today.  It’d be great to get home ASAP.  I miss Hen and Lu.

Unfortunately for my sleep, a three week old baby was moved in here and cried all. night. long.  I’d be lucky if I got 3 hours last night.  The poor (new) mom apologized profusely.  While I wanted to say “SHUT THAT KID UP!” I knew that if anyone didn’t want the baby crying it was her.  She was doing her best.  I gave her a hug and told her to not worry about it.  That being a mama is hard.  But it is beautiful.  And all of this will be worth it.  Every single second of it.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Oh Jeannett, I am so sorry that ya’ll are going through this. I know how difficult it is to watch your sweet baby struggle…please know I am praying for all of you right now! May you be covered by the peace that only God can give and may that sweet girl sail through the MRI with definitive answers for how to help her! You are not alone.
    .-= Carol´s last blog ..Are these the dogs days of summer? =-.

  2. 2

    How scary for your family! I’ve been that mom that 911 has to tell to calm down also. My youngest, Jack, about a year ago had a seizure. He was sitting on my lap when it happened and I frantically called an ambulance. He had a second seizure in the ambulance (13 minutes long) and a third seizure (15 minutes long) after we were in the ER. The good news I recieved is that it takes at least 30 minutes for a seizure to cause damage, and that 70% of kids grow out of Epilepsy.
    Jack was started on Keppra with an Epilepsy diagnosis, but he has been seizure free since the week he started the medicine.
    This is my first time commenting, I just found your blog a few weeks ago. I’m praying for you all and for no more seizures!

  3. 3

    I hope Henry has an awesome birthday no matter what day you celebrate it! I am glad Jillian is feeling a little better.

  4. 4

    happy birthday henry!!

    so glad that jill is doing better. praying you both get to come home soon :)

  5. 5

    Happy Birthday to your little man! Big, strong hugs for all of you :)
    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Your pregnancy: 32 weeks =-.

  6. 6

    You made me cry(in a good way, of course!). What strong words about being a Mom.
    I am praying that Jilly’s MRI comes back with high hopes. Stay strong, Momma.

    Oh, and a Happy Birthday to your Henry!
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..Undeniable Love =-.

  7. 7

    Happy Birthday Henry! I can’t help but think that God has big plans for you because you are such an awesome big brother with quite a story of your own to tell!

    Happy Anniversary yesterday, and Happy Jill Back to Herself Day!

    Lifting you all up and praying that the MRI sheds light on this very scary time.

  8. 8

    I am happy to hear all is going well for Little Jill. Happy Birthday Little Henry!!! We will continue praying that everything continues to go well with Jill. Big hug to Henry and Jill!!!

  9. 9

    Happy Birthday Henry, have a wonderful day full of love, laughter and happiness. Glad to hear Jill is improving, our thoughts are with you. Take care xx
    .-= Stef´s last blog ..Weekend….. =-.

  10. 10

    Happy anniversary, happy Birthday sweet little Henry and PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING for little Jill. Oh Lord Jesus, I lift up this precious family to you. I bind fear in the name of Jesus and ask you to send legions of angels to encamp around their home in protection. Lord, I ask you to just wash little Jill’s brain in the redeeming blood of Christ in protection against seizures. Deliver her from them in the name of Jesus. You are close to the brokenhearted Lord and you are near those who are crushed in spirit and I pray that you would flood their home with your presence and peace. Please bring peace to their hearts. Give them courage, Lord, give them rest. Amen.
    .-= Jordan´s last blog ..Pray the "Impossible" with us… =-.