
A few completely and utterly random things:

#1)  I’m a quitter.  I sold my cloth diapers on Craigslist to a very nice lady pregnant with her first baby.  There was nothing really wrong, I have just been really busy and feeling overwhelmed and at some point, something had to give.  Besides, Lucy was about to need to move up to the next size and I didn’t really want to buy a whole new stash.  The girls are older now and don’t poop every 14 seconds, so I guess I got through the worst of the diapering while using cloth.  I got through about 8 months.  I’d say that’s decent.

With that said, I’m going to be 100% shameless.  Ready?

I’ve found that ordering Luvs from is the *cheapest* option.  Even cheaper than the Kirkland diapers from Costco…which are $0.21 per diaper. Plus tax.

Size 3 Luvs are $0.17 per diaper.  No tax.  Free shipping.  PLUS, you get $10 off your first order.

So it’s a way better deal all the way around.

AND, you can even mail in your coupons and they will credit your account!!!

Besides, I got my diapers delivered to my front door in literally two days.

And saved me a trip to Target.

(which you all know by now is filled with rude people waiting for me in the shampoo aisle).

Why is this shameless?

Well, if YOU need diapers, and put in my referral code with your FIRST order…not only will YOU get $10 off…but I will get money off too!

My personal referral code is:  JEAN4396

So, if you haven’t already, order some diapers from  Use my code.  Get money off.

Send my kids to college with the money I save.

Because it’s my blog and I can pimp it out if I want to.

And no, I dont have any special deal with  Anyone and everyone who uses them gets a referral code.  I’m just using my bloggy powers to save more money.

Because if it’s all the same to you, it’d be great for me.  :)

Secondly, if you comment on my blog (or any others) and there is just a gray box with a silhouette in it…do me a favor…

…go to

Set up an account and upload a profile pic.

This only takes a few minutes…AND…it will link that picture with anywhere and everywhere that you use that email address as your login.

Not just my blog.

Not just blogs.

Everywhere you use that email address.  It’s pretty cool.  And it only takes a few minutes.

Then, you don’t have to be a gray man anymore.

Only a couple of days left to enter to win a $40 Scentsy package and support Sarah Markley‘s charity of choice!

Don’t let it slip by!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Go ahead and pimp your blog girl! And please do not feel bad about switching to disposables, we do what we can when we can. And that is good enough.
    .-= Mari´s last blog ..Things I Know For Sure Part 2 =-.

  2. 2

    wow, that was easy! I’m out of the grey. Thanks for the link, I’d never bothered to do that before.
    .-= jacquelyn´s last blog ..A propose =-.

  3. 3

    and … it looks like it didn’t work.
    .-= jacquelyn´s last blog ..A propose =-.

  4. 4

    OK, OK i did it! whatta ya think?
    .-= christine´s last blog ..quiz time =-.

  5. 5

    I don’t buy diapers but I put your code on a refunding/couponing site that I use – basically advertised the discount with your referral code – although its a hardcore diaper site, these ladies are used to getting packages for like $2 each. If you want to check it out, I started using it a month ago – check my blog I am now drowning in free mens body wash!!
    Anyhow love your blog, found it through all the regulars – Brianna, Jenny, Lisa, Jacquelyn…used to go to Grace myself!
    .-= Christy´s last blog ..Plea for Help =-.

  6. 6

    Um, I meant to say before “hardcore couponing” site – not hardcore diaper site. Sorry!!!
    .-= Christy´s last blog ..Plea for Help =-.

  7. 7

    Awesome. I’ll have to check it out next time I order diapers.

    We use gDiapers; they are diaper inserts that are flushable, compostable and don’t wreak havoc on the environment.

    But I like me some disposables.


  8. 8

    Sorry… I cloth diaper my 13 month olds (got the one-size ones and used baby shower gift diapers until they fit better) so we’re set with those! But, good for you for finding the cheapest! I love Luvs by the way! When we go out of the house, I cheat and use disposies!

  9. 9

    If you go tthough you save even more. And not just on diapers but on everything else as well.

    Sign up here

  10. 10

    You can save even more $$ by going through to get to I use Ebates like crazy, and it’s nice to get a check in the mail every quarter.
    .-= Abbie´s last blog ..CSN Giveaway Winner =-.

  11. 11

    You just want the credit to stock up on diaper jeans!
    .-= Julie´s last blog flash. =-.

  12. 12

    Where’s my pretty gravatar?
    .-= Julie´s last blog flash. =-.

  13. 13

    Why are there ratings for gravatars? Gross!!! Super gross. Twilight gross. My kids are awesome sleepers. hahahhahahahahahahahaha.
    .-= Julie´s last blog flash. =-.

  14. 14

    I need to save money on diapers! :) I have a 5 month little girl who goes through them like crazy! Thanks!
    .-= Kendra´s last blog ..My Creating Space =-.