This is *not* about politics

I rarely upload videos to share.

But this one…was AWE.SOME.

Please note that this is not *really* about politics.

It’s not *really* about President Obama.

Or Democrats.

Or Republicans.

It’s about *all* politicians in my opinion.

And the way that we are all duped.

Words carry power…and politicians KNOW that.

Even if you are a member of the “I Hate Politics and Avoid it Like the Plague Club” (um, where do I sign up?!)…

…you’ll appreciate this video.


(It’s 1.5 minutes long…click the link below)

A College Student Explains Budget Cuts

NOW…before we go looking down our noses too far…think about how we so often apply this to our OWN finances.

“We can’t afford to give.”

“We already give to X.”

etc., etc., etc.

If you laid out your *own* pennies on a garage sale coffee table and took away the portion you share…

what would THAT video look like???

I’m not trying to guilt you.

Nope.  Guilt doesn’t make generously, happy hearts.

It just struck me as I sat in horror…that *I* do this too.

And with that, have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY and consider your own “$100 million” to give in light of Kelle’s Story.

But don’t do it out of guilt.

Do it because your heart wants to.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    That was great. Thanks for sharing that. I wholeheartedly agree with you re: it being about all politicians.
    .-= Andrea Howe´s last blog ..Republicans Love the Earth Too =-.

  2. 2
    rachel heldt says:

    Loved it. I am so tired of all the facebook pages destroying Obama and Palin. If people put a tenth of the energy into reading up on what is actually happening as they did into social media sites, we would have a better informed voters. People have no idea…

  3. 3

    ha ha–that was great. makes sense now. that kid needs to go into politics and illustrate everything.

  4. 4

    oh geez. I’m so depressed now .. (not really)
    .-= Jacquelyn´s last blog ..On Psalm 73 =-.

  5. 5

    Wow, that video really puts things into perspective doesn’t it? Thanks so much for sharing!

    I really like your blog! Found you on TMC. :)
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Lake Powell Granola =-.