Social Media…

is weird.

Many moons ago I caved and signed up for a MySpace page.  But it sat empty and blank for.EVER…I basically used it to be nosy and check out other people’s lame-o pages.

True story.

Finally, I filled in some stuff and uploaded a handful of pictures.

I don’t even remember the last time I logged in.

Then Facebook came around.  I was thoroughly confused.

Finally, I figured it out, got myself all set up and was a Facebooker.

I have yet to play Farmville or join a Mafia or clean a fishtank or whatever.

Facebook was kinda cool at first.  But I bore easily.

And I was about to delete my entire account one day.  Don’t know why.  Just because I was over it.  I guess.

So, now I’ve got this newly designed/change of focus bloggity blog.

And it’s not just about me and my cheesy kid pictures.

I’m trying to raise money too.

The best way to do that is to spread the word, right?

So, back I was to the weirdness that is Social Media.

I find it largely ridiculous that I have a Fan Page.

Never thought I’d have fans…but I guess that’s what it’s called for something like this.

And it’s been kinda cool.  I can update people on when I post something new.  I can ask other questions that I might not ask on the blog.  I’m liking it.  So far.

I actually just took a leap and started a discussion topic on my fan page.  Check it out.  I’d love to have your feedback!

Then came Twitter.

And to be honest…it’s my favorite of the bunch.

It’s simple.

No bejeweled heart gifts.

No photos of middle aged adults partying it up with red plastic cups.

And I’ve found that when you only have 140 characters to express yourself, you end up being witty.

Maybe even a little funny.

I kinda feel like:

MySpace is High School re-lived.  All the glittery, blinking buttons.  The crazy, hurt my eyes backgrounds…it seems immature, silly and over the top.  Blah.  Not interested.

Facebook is like your 10 year High School Reunion.  You get to see old friends.  Sometimes that’s a good thing…you connect with people you probably would have never run into again.  This is good.  Other times, it’s a bad thing…you all know exactly what I mean so I won’t go into it.  But let’s just say that I often want to type: “YOU ARE A 30 YEAR OLD WOMAN!  Put your boobs back in your shirt, set the beer down, and really…is that the photo you want to upload for the world to see???” Rant over.

Twitter is like one big on-going instant message conversation with your friends (both real and virtual).  Maybe it’s the people I “follow”, but there is no drama, there is no immature lame-o nonsense…just a bunch of short, sweet, to the point sentences bouncing around.  That, or I have ADD and that’s why I like it. (p.s. I don’t actually have ADD…or at least I don’t think I do).

Either way, my point is…Facebook and Twitter are almost essential to having a successful blog…so, I’m doing it.

Even though it’s really not my gig.

With all of that said…

Be my Fan.

Follow me.

(how narcissitic is that language?!  sheesh!)

I’ll try to be funny in exchange.

No promises though.

Do you use Social Media?  Which one is your favorite?

Oh, and um…suppose that while you’re here you can take an extra minute to donate to charity:water????

Thanks.  Love you.  Mean it.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I love how you sum that up! Perfect! And I’ll be your fan & follow you :)

  2. 2

    I have a MySpace page but rarely use it. I use FB all the time and try to use it to pray for people or look up people to write snail mail to (so productive – and spiritual – at least it reminds me). And Twitter I use for short statuses (which link to my FB, so I don’t have to open both). I’m trying to keep it to a minimum now. For Lent I gave them up (tried till I realized Twitter linked and people saw me on FB). So I quit that, too, and barely read blogs. It was nice to be off the computer for a while. Now I’m back and trying to pull back again.

  3. 3

    I hear ya on the whole “put your boobs back in your shirt” thing. Unfortunately i’ve had several old classmates find me on facebook and truthfully i had hoped high school graduation (10 yrs ago) would have been the last contact i had with them. :) There are a few moms whose lifestyles i don’t agree with – it seems that every other picture is of them partying it up at various bars & clubs. I can’t help but think, “um, and where might your children be??” Okay, end of rant! Facebook was a novelty for me for awhile, but i’ve become bored of it and prefer blogs & email now. :)

  4. 4

    I found your blog through Joy’s Hope…what a great blogging friend you are! I am so glad to hear that there are still people in the world that appreciate random acts of kindness as much as I do. I hope you don’t mind adding another blogging friend to you your life…because I am now a follower! Have a blessed day!!!