Rain, Rain Go Away

I’m really not into weather.

Or should I say weather that is anything but sunny, bright, and warm.

I saw snow fall for the first time in my life when I was 21 years old.

I was all excited.

Rushed outside.

Felt like I was 5.

I made a snowball thinking I’d play like I had seen in movies and books.

Giggling, laughing, screeching.

Chasing eachother around.

Oh what great fun!

And then my hand was all wet.

And cold.

I threw that snowball at a brick wall.

Never did get to that whole “running” part.

(Not that I *ever* run, but whatevs.)

And went back inside.

The novelty of snow was met with the reality that it’s cold and wet.

And I’m really much more Californian than I ever thought.

Basically, if the weather ever calls for any reason to NOT wear my Rainbow Sandals

I pout.

Big time.

Are they ugly?  Yes.  But a more comfortable pair of shoes you will never own.  True story.

I much prefer green grass, lazy dogs enjoying the shade, tongues wagging…

bare baby thighs and rolls on display…

A Diet Coke, Cheetos, and a springy zippered pouch

(Diet Coke…because you know, gotta watch my figure…not that I didn’t pound that entire bag…and no, it’s not a single serve…don’t judge.)

BUT…I suppose that if it’s gonna rain here for like…THREE. DAYS. STRAIGHT…{UGH!}…

We’ll make the most of it, and actually wear those fun rainboots the way they were intended.

Dear Spring,

I much prefer you when the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and ladybugs flit about.

Let’s not be a spoil sport and go raining all the dang time.

Remember what State you are in.

If you can’t behave, will you just hurry on up and move over so that Summer can be here?

K, thanks.



Did you know that we are only a few dollars away from raising $400 for the National Down Syndrome Society???

If you haven’t already, throw a couple bucks in and let’s see us tip that number!  YAY!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I hear you loud and clear. Being trapped in the house for three days because of the rain, when only three days ago it was 80 degrees and sunshiney, well it’s not my idea of fun. It’s supposed to warm up for the weekend so I keep holding out for that. But I really want to put away the winter clothes and move onto all the cute summer outfits, but I can’t. Not yet. Rain, rain, go away. The end.

  2. 2

    aww. shucks. Gussy made it in your post. love your humor + snacking choices ;)

  3. 3

    I loved the rain … until I had 4 kids and a house full of carpet. Yuck. I feel your pain.