My Very Own Bonnie & Clyde

(minus the fact that they were married or dating or whatever)

So, I really had nothing to say today.

Except of course to post the winner of Julie’s handmade necklace.

But posts without pictures are boring.

“At the very least I should find some randomly obnoxious photos of my kids to plop in there.”

As I scrolled through the bajillions of photos in my camera card, I came across a handful of Henry & Lucy.

Those two are peas in a pod.

Always playing together.

Which is weird, because she’s 9 months old.

Yesterday, I heard a commotion upstairs.  Lots of crying and yelling.

“Andy!  What is going on up there???”

“Lucy and Henry are fighting.”

“What???!!!  She’s 9. months. old. How can they be FIGHTING???”

Sure enough, they were.  He wanted her to stay in his room and play…she wanted to crawl around to who knows where.

They were literally screaming at each other.

No lie.

{insert giant sigh here}

But, even still, their relationship makes me grin.

Sharing some Cream of Wheat.

Lest you ever think I am the perfect mom (ha!), please note that I fed my kid breakfast in front of Disney Channel.  In my defense, it was a therapy day and I was rushing to get everyone ready and out the door.

(But *had* to snap a few pictures of this cuteness!)

Also note that at 9 months old I would have NEVER allowed Henry table food like this.  Meh.  Live and learn.  :)

“Your turn Luc.”  (He calls her “loose”…soooo cute!)

You know mom, if you’re not gonna feed me, I’ll find someone who WILL!

I quickly realized that Cream of Wheat + 2 year old + 9 month old + living room = bad idea.

Moved them to the kitchen.

Where you can see that Lucy isn’t always so patient with waiting her turn.

Notice my filthy grubby hands wall.

I should really clean that.

Maybe tomorrow.


Here they are playing trains/ball together.  You can find this scene multiple times a day.  Sometimes a fight breaks out because she messes up the track, but otherwise, they play happily together.  Which I find so weird.  You would think she’s too young?

And here he is fanning her.

Which I think is hysterical.

Foreshadow much?

I worried a bit when I was pregnant about how Hen would do with two siblings to compete with.

Turns out that its been the biggest blessing and one of my favorite things ever.


In other news, congratulations to

Melissa Leech

who won Julie’s necklace!

And a huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated!

We raised $247 for Charity Water!

That means a lot to the 20 people who will now have clean drinking water!


Seriously, mull that over for a bit.


Lastly (gee for someone who had nothing to say today…)

Do NOT forget to come back Monday!!!

A *new* guest blogger.

A new fundraiser.

A new prize.

I know I say this every time, but this next mom is PHE.NOM.E.NAL.


I mean really…she’s been interviewed on CNN!

So yeah, totally not exaggerating.

Have a fantastic weekend, love on your babies and see ya on Monday!

We’re headed to Toys R Us on Saturday for a Thomas the Train storytime and then a Kite Festival on Sunday.

What are your plans this weekend?

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    The sibling bond is something that is so precious to watch and see grow. My two girls were like Henry and Lucy. I have pictures of my eldest throwing a small receiving blanket on my youngest and both girls just busting up in laughter. They were 6 months and 3 1/2. It amazed me also how well they played together despite their three year age difference. And yes, the fighting happens still, but the love they share together is what stands out the most for me.

  2. 2
    gretchen says:

    I love Jilly’s shoes!!!

  3. 3

    Have you heard of “Sure Trac”, or something like that? It’s a box of little plastic thingies that connect train tracks so little hands can’t mess them up. They were a lifesaver back when Tyler was into trains. I think I have a box around here somewhere… I’ll bring them to church. They’re ridiculously expensive in stores, but if you like them, I’m sure you and your buddy Craig can find some on his list. :-)

  4. 4

    Scrumptious kids. Love the stroller/fan picture. They are too cute for words.

  5. 5

    Scrumptious kids. Love the stroller/fan picture. They are too cute for words.

  6. 6

    I just came across your blog today and read your story- wow, your kids are adorable! I’m a new reader/follower! :)
    .-= Bethany´s last blog ..Saturday Glimpses =-.