Some Easter Bling

I try to decorate my house for most, if not all, holidays.

I try to pretend that I do it for the kids.

But the fact that they are all of 2.5 and 8 months old makes that a pretty weak argument.

The internet, and all its crafty mama types makes it easy to come up with fun ideas…

…and hard to actually execute them all.

I was, however, able to make this *super* cute peeps banner.

I also have pink bunnies all cut out, but they may, or may not, sit in a drawer to be sewn together next year.

This banner was crazy easy thanks to my Cricut.

I have yet to regret buying that thing.

Even if it was really expensive.

(birthday money folks, birthday money.  the *only* way I could justify that kind of purchase).

My friend Joy has these really cute vintage plaque thingies up in her house…that she bought…at a store…at their going out of business sale.


I really liked them, so I made myself some the ghetto fab way.

Hers are much cuter, but mine were basically free so it’s a tough call.

Andy, however, hates them.  He thinks they’re goofy.

Good thing he has no say in the home decor department.

(wanna make your own? google ‘vintage easter postcards’, print the ones you like as close to 4×6 as you can w/o messing up the proportions, paint some 5×7 canvases in coordinating colors, mod podge on, add a teeny bit of gold glitter for some vintage-y umph.  done.)

Have you found any super cute easter/spring tutorials you actually did yourself?  Any that you want to do?

I’d love to see what you’ve found/done!

(for next year of course…)

Happy Monday…and by the way…have you SEEN how much money we’ve raised???!!!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Congratulations on such a great job of fundraising! Keep up the good work! I would guess most of the hard work is done…so much of the word is out now and everyone will be coming back to donate every couple of weeks for your new giveaways! Love the things you’ve made with your handy dandy machine (and the vintage cards…great ideas)!! I need to borrow that sometime…yeah, right. Happy Easter week before! Do you have easter dresses and bonnets for your girls? Somehow I don’t see bonnets in their future but bet they have outfits???

  2. 2

    I love your banner, and those ceramic eggs are so cute!

    Visiting to welcome you to SITS :)

  3. 3

    Can you really keep a vase of flowers at the base of your fireplace without little ones knocking it over? I’m impressed! I don’t think I could get away with that here. And let’s face it, I’d probably be the one who knocked it over.

  4. 4

    Lots of gorgeous Easter decorations!!! I don’t have a Cricut, but I do have their Slice instead. Maybe someday……….LOL!

    And welcome to the SITS community!

  5. 5

    the easter plaques turned out cute! love your decorations. :)

  6. 6

    it really was awesome to see how much money ya’ll have raised. it gave me chills! good things are happening.

  7. 7

    I love holiday decorations, but with my crazy life I don’t do much most of the year. Christmas is the big one for me. I love Easter too, but for some reason the arrival of spring itself is enough for me to feel festive. During the dark, dreary days of winter, the decorations are more than just celebrating the birth of Christ, for me they are a necessary survival technique!

    I love your blog, I found you through SITS. I really really love that you raise money for charities. If you ever want to do a fundraiser for CABF (Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation) please let me know. My eight year old daughter is bipolar, and her diagnosis and her presence in my life have changed me in ways I could not have imagined before I had her. You plan and plan and then you have to redefine your expectations of what “normal” is. And when you do, you realize that everything is OK. Its not “perfect” but in its own way, your life off of the planned path is still absolutely perfect.

    Thanks for featuring Lisa. I adore her jewelry. Money’s tight the next few pay periods but I will come back and check your featured charity in a month or so, things will be better then.