I’m Weird.

A few friends have recently had babies.

My response?

Sheer happiness for them…with a tinge of jealousy.

Makes me want another.

Even *I* acknowledge how crazy that sounds.

(But can you blame me when you see the newborn squishiness that is LuLu Belle & JillyBean???!!!  Eek!)


I have had Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred DVD for approximately 42 days.

I genuinely believe that the act of owning it somehow firms up my butt.

(is it just me or does she look like she has to poop in this picture???)


I really hate those little hamburger shaped cupcakes.

If I put something that looks like a hamburger in my mouth, I expect it to taste like a hamburger.

The idea that it will taste like sugar and chocolate…nauseates me.

Just looking at that picture makes me want to gag.


I think coffee tastes better out of my new aqua mug.

And I will wash it even if there are 400 other clean mugs I could have used.

Every morning I think “I love you little aqua mug!”

I am seriously considering going back to Target and buying like 10 more.

To store.

In case this one breaks.


I always pray for other people, but rarely for myself.

It feels selfish.

Yes, I am aware of how stupid that is.

It’s extra stupid looking in print.


I cry.

When I’m sad.

When I’m angry.

When I’m disappointed.

But I don’t cry in front of people.

Not because I am ashamed to cry, but because I feel like I’ve lost control of my emotions.

And if you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I like me some control.

And if you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I have ab.so.lute.ly ***none***.

You would think I’d catch on by now.


Sometimes I think I’m relatively smart.

And then people talk about taxes, or football, or stocks/bonds.

And I rarely feel stupid-er. (is that a word?)


Tell me I’m not the only weirdo.

Are you weird?

I don’t mean all-black-wearing-green-hair-white-makeup-goth-kid-weird…just normal folk quirky weird.

{{If you haven’t already, please consider donating to the CdLS foundation and enter to win $75 in Lisa Leonard jewelry!}}

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I just love that the Shred comment was followed by the cupcake picture. Just for the record, the post left me wanting cupcakes, not wanting to work out. hehe

    Have a great weekend! Jodi

  2. 2

    I totally hear you on the whole hamburger cupcakes. It weirds me out. Totally confuses my brain and my taste buds.

    I’m weird as well. I have to have my counters clean. All. the. time. If there is one speck of food, dust, whatever, I get out the cleaning solution, my paper towel and I wipe until I can’t wipe anymore.

    Toys have to be picked up. I like the look of a clean floor. not necessarily “clean” per say, but picked up. I get a funny excited twinge when its all clean.

    I like the lines that the vacuum cleaner makes on carpets. No one can mess them up. Its hard with a baby to keep it that way.

    Huh. Looks like I am a neat freak and didn’t even realize it. :)

  3. 3

    You’re not weird… you’re perfectly normal! At least… I hope so, bc if you’re weird, then that means I’m a nut job (and I don’t like to think of myself in those terms) – It’s been my mission lately to LET GO of things and allow myself to NOT be in control for a while… because that’s what God wants for us.
    haha, want to read my “aha” moment a few weeks ago? I’m still struggling with my “issues”, as my fiance calls them…


  4. 4

    I feel the same way you do when I hear that someone’s had a baby. I used to think it meant that we were supposed to have more until a 60-year-old friend told me she also feels that same way. That got me over it pretty quick.
    It’s hard to think of quirks when you think you’re pretty normal and boring. I think that means I must have too many to list. I do like to pull up on the center of our bottom, fitted sheet in bed until I get a handful of it, then I rub it until I fall asleep. Ted calls it my “tuggie”. But is that a quirk? Doesn’t everyone do that?

  5. 5
    Elizabeth says:

    You’re only weird if I am weird…I could totally relate on about every single thing.

  6. 6
    arlene f says:

    I have the same mug in red. And then I thought the same thing — what if this one breaks? I better get another one… in white. And we have the same coffee maker and jars. You have excellent taste. :)

  7. 7

    those cupcakes are gross. love the new mug. you should get some more. i don’t get taxes either, obviously since you were explaining it to me yesterday. i love, love wiping off countertops that are seamless. the friends who have those kind of kitchens always laugh when i’m begging to clean their counters for them. still thinking about the aqua mugs. and somebody said they come in red, too? oh target–you will be my undoing!

  8. 8

    I am just a normal weird mom. I think kids do it to you. And yes she looks like she has to poop on the video cover. I borrowed the video from the library a while ago, however after two weeks of willing it to do something without me having to watch it, it didn’t work so I took it back. :)

  9. 9

    Fun post. =) I am definitely weird, too. Hopefully not in a green hair way, but sometimes it feels like I’m inching my way in that direction. =)

  10. 10

    Who likes crying in public? I would rather puke in public than cry in public. Quirks and weaknesses make us human and therefore more main stream – but I love little foods that dress up as other foods. Ask me about the “taco salad” ice cream cake I like to make. (Oh and gym memberships make you skinnier. All you need is the little card to prove it, you don’t actually have to go.)

  11. 11
    Priscilla says:

    I don’t think I will EVER outgrow my desire for another baby – it is just built into me, but now I get to love on my grandkids and everyone elses babies!!! Menopause totally messed me up so much so that if a pile of chocolate frosting was sitting on a bunch of pretzel sticks and looked like something you’d find in the woods, I’d eat it —-body aging really S.T.I.N.K.S:<

  12. 12

    i’m lindsey’s s.i.l., she was visiting this weekend told me about your new blog. wonderful idea.

    i have done the j.m. shred. i lost 2.5 inches the first week (a friend of mine lost 6 inches in 2 weeks). but i will never look at this dvd cover again without thinking of jillian needing to do her “business.”

    i cry for all those reasons. i think crying is like labor and delivery. i think sometimes we have emotions we are laboring through and once they are delivered we are fine.
    or maybe it is because i am a hormonal portugese woman. :-)
    (lindsey told me you were portuguese).

    btw- rocha means mountain.

  13. 13

    Yep… many quirks….
    being weird is the fun way to live life!

  14. 14

    I’m weird. I like it. I rock weird in a high-water pants kind of way.