Therapy Days

Therapy Days are *really* hard on Henry.
Imagine being a 2 1/2 year old little boy…

and twice a week, someone comes to your house with a *big* bag full of toys…

spreads out a big fluffy blanket in the middle of your living room floor…

and spends an hour playing with your sister and all. those. toys…

and your mommy sits and watches them play.

You aren’t allowed to interrupt.

You aren’t allowed to sit on the blanket.

You aren’t allowed to play with the toys.

Mommy can’t play with you right now.

You will have to wait.

So sad.

But the nice lady now brings special toys just for you.

Toys you can play with quietly.

But there’s this ball…it’s bright blue…and has these funny little spikes on it…

nope, can’t touch.

That one is for Jill Jill.

Mommy remembers that you had a yellow one just like it…

she searches the house high and low and finally finds it.

And you exclaim:

“Mommy! Look! I have therapy too! It’s MY therapy!”

And your mommy smiles through tears…because you are happy with such a simple little thing…

…because although you probably think therapy is nothing more than a playdate…

…she secretly hates that her 2 1/2 year old even *knows* what the word therapy is…

…she secretly wonders how many other words will enter your vocabulary that so many other kids go their whole live never even hearing…

…but mostly, she’s just happy that you are happy.

(and don’t forget, today is the last day to enter this week’s giveaway!!!!)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Wow, that is bittersweet, isn't it? (Do you get tired of hearing that word these days?)

    Thank you for the shout out yesterday. I got all choked up just thinking about those memories of her!

    Praying your days will have much more sweet than bitter.

  2. 2

    You have GOT to write a book – or at least put your posts into a book! "Blogging Mom's Journey with Twins and a 2 year old". You have such a way with words, that we, on the reading end can just about feel your pains and your joys and excitement and all the emotions you go through. And yet, keeping your eyes on Him who is taking you on this journey. Thanks, Jeannett for sharing all of this. love, love, love you and lots and lots of hugs

  3. 3

    Hmmmmm…seems I am not the only one who thinks you should write a book!!!

    Love you all….Peg

  4. 4

    sometimes i read your posts and i sigh and i lift up a little prayer for you and then i don't comment because i really don't know what to say…but today i did want you to know that i am someone who reads your blog, enjoys your blog, prays for you and your family…and even if Henry's vocabulary includes words that other 2 1/2 year olds don't, well, you can just say he has good language skills! :) and by the way…i think you're doing an amazing job with all 3 of them…even if i only see you through this blog. :)

  5. 5

    this will be good for henry and lucy. like you said before, imagine the compassion they will have for people who have difficulties.

  6. 6

    Some days are so hard on the older child:( Some days I feel like I have no time for my poor son so he spends alot of time on the computer playing silly games and watching tv or playing by himself….so sad.
    Poor little Henry, it seems cruel but so important for little Jill. Glad he got his own therapy ball:) It's those tiny little things that mean so much.

  7. 7

    I've just discovered your blog … my son is on the autism spectrum and I too felt terrible that I had to drag my daughter to all his therapy and doctor appointments. I bought those sticker books you can find at Target … I'll include a link to one of them. Lily was Henry's age at this time. We would spend that time – an hour twice a week just for his speech and OT – working on those books. I know your case is different in that you probably have to pay attention to what the therapist is saying or doing BUT maybe buying something special for him that he ONLY gets to do while your daughter is having therapy? That is when the newness of the therapists toys wear off.

    And although my kids are 5 and 6 now, Lily still has issues with the attention Cole receives when a therapist comes to our house. It does get better but the issues are still there … good luck!!!;=books&qid;=1267320484&sr;=8-2