Friday Favorites: Healthy Berry Crisp

There’s this great, TOTALLY out of the way little restaurant in Morro Bay called the Bayside Cafe. When we lived in SLO, we drove out there *regularly* for no reason other than to have their famous Berry Crisps.

I know we’re not the only ones who loved these things…you seriously would have to let the waitress know at the beginning of your meal that you intended to have them for dessert and to reserve them…or you risked them running out!

Over the years, we have since moved and it’s now about 50 miles to our little Cafe.

So sad.

I’ve tried a bunch of different recipes…and after many tries and lots of fiddling, I think I got it. I haven’t done a side by side comparison, but these are DARN good.

4 cups berries*
4 tbls. sugar
2 cups flour
2 cups oats
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1 cup softened butter
1 tsp. cinammon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
Whipping Cream

*(I usually buy the Marion Berries at the grocery store, but you can use any kind of dark berry…black, boysen, etc. Fresh is great if they are in season, but frozen works well too.)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

1. Mix berries and sugar in a bowl. (You don’t have to defrost the berries if you don’t want to…)
2. In a separate bowl, combine remaining ingredients (except cream). You’ll probably have to use your hands…the mixture should be crumbly.

3. Divide up the berries evenly into individual serving, oven safe dishes. You can use ramekins, bowls…those mini loaf dishes from Michael’s are a perfect size…

4. Cover berries with oat mixture. GENEROUSLY. Think you put enough on? Put some more on there. Really. It sort of settles down into the cooked berries so you want to be sure there is enough to have a decent amount of topping. (Depending on how big your dishes are, you may have leftover so don’t think you have to use all of the topping).

5. Bake 30-35 minutes.
6. Serve warm.

Okay, now this is the REALLY, REALLY, REALLY important part.


The crisp will not be nearly half as good if you don’t do this:

Before you bite into the yummy berry goodness…you have to pour some whipping cream on top.

Keep that cream handy.

You will re-apply.

Trust me.


Oh, that’s right…

I put that in the title because I figure it’s still January, so some of you may still be in New Year’s Resolution mode…


Well, let’s see…berries are chock full of antioxidants, and they are a fruit…the oats are good for your cholesterol…and you got yourself some dairy in there too…

That screams healthy if you ask me…

(this is also coming from the girl who goes around wearing yoga pants and running shoes convinced that her body is somehow tricked into burning calories as a result…because it’s not like I actually DO yoga or go running…pshaw….!)

***And dear readers, be sure to tune in on Monday…I have a surprise for y’all!!!***

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I love those berry crisps from that cafe! Next time I'm in town we'll have to make yours. Looks yummy!

  2. 2

    So funny, I thought about that berry crisp twice this week. They are so delicious. I am going to try this recipe asap.

  3. 3

    you are not a true friend because you posted this. sigh.

  4. 4

    waiting on pins and needles!

  5. 5

    Bayside Cafe is practically in my parents' backyard. We live just across the bay from it. Never been there before. That will change. Maybe if I wear yoga pants there, the calories won't count.

  6. 6

    I've been there a few times and WHY have I not heard of this fabulous dessert???
    We'll definately have to try this recipe out – sounds delish.
    And why oh why do you have to leave a cliffhanger like that and make us wait TWO WHOLE DAYS for your big news? You suck…

  7. 7

    I like the berry crisps. It has been a while since I last made some for my kids. Thanks for making me remember this.
    dining room table

  8. 8

    Hi! you three adorable kids. and I love the berry crisps too. Too bad, we don't have available berries here in the Phils, maybe I could prolly substitute it with something.

    By the way, just saw ur profile on SITS, same here trying to figure how the system works. If you have time, visit mines… U

  9. 9

    I just told Frank a couple of days ago how good this was when we came over for dinner…and I wanted more…I'm gonna have to try it out myself now…although…I always think it tastes better when someone else makes them! ;-)

  10. 10

    That looks SO yummy!! I seriously might try making it…soon! :)

    Stopped by from SITS and wanted to say HI. You children are so adorable!