
Joy and I (and our 6 kids) met up at the Barn for a playdate.

The pics are pretty lousy, but I haven’t put up photos of the kids in a few posts so I’m gonna include them anyway.

Grandmas like that kind of stuff.

Like macaroni necklaces. Not so cute, but you like it anyway.

I swear, this girl makes the most ridiculous faces. She really is much cuter than this! But see how her eyes are turning hazel/green?!

Our ride.
“Henry, look at the camera and say CHEESE!”
And then there is Jill. Who looks utterly annoyed that I am taking a picture…

Lastly, I finally remembered to take photos of Andy’s christmas light extravaganza:

Okay, that is all. I’ll try to think of something funnier for my next post.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Lucy looks like she is contemplating quantum physics. Maybe she should be helping Daddy with that paper! And Jillian looks bored with you already. What are you going to do when she is a teenager? It definitely looks like Henry is saying "cheese," so at least he is doing what you say. Thanks for the pics. Love you all and see you soon.

  2. 2

    Those girls are so beautiful in person! Why is it that babies never look the same on camera? I guess it's like trying to take a picture of the sunset – never as good.

  3. 3

    Ok, I think that jill looks stunning!!! and where did you get those hats i love them and want one for elizabeth. :)

  4. 4

    kate-got them off etsy. here's the seller:

    I would bet you can ask her to make you one similar to these, it doesn't look like she has white ones listed right now.

  5. 5

    Cuteness all around! Two moms and six kids – and you survived to tell about it. You and Joy are great! Hey, can Andy come down here and put up our lights? Ours have been on the floor since two weeks ago. Maybe I should have grabbed him when he went to Metallica. :) Actually, Andy did a great job. Your house looks beautiful all lit up like that. Hopefully we'll get to SLO…not sure if we'll make it after all. hugs all around

  6. 6

    jill really does look annoyed in that picture. and nobody asked us if we ran a daycare. bummer.