Mornings at Our Place

We are creatures of habit. We have our little routines.

They don’t change much.

They aren’t glamorous.

But they are *our* routines. The kids seem to thrive on our simple mornings…and as a mom, I love, love, love the few calm moments when my whole family is in the same room, enjoying eachother’s company…and frankly, no one is crying. :)

This is the scene any given morning: Daddy with his cup of black, unsweetened coffee…a blueberry protein shake…reading the paper…laptop open…three kids sitting on the counter goofing around, mom wandering around chatting with Dad about her upcoming day with her own cup of (sweetened) coffee.

In this particular case, the laptop is blaring Metallica. Nice way to start your morning…you know, with heavy metal.

As a result of the lovely, soothing music, Henry is head-banging.

And yes, that is what he calls it.

Real head-banging consists of holding up your index and pinkie fingers making a devil type sign and waving your arms to the beat of the music. Since it’s *just a tad* inappropriate for a 2 year old to be making the devil sign…Andy taught him to just use his index finger. It makes me laugh every time.

Here he is making Jill head-bang. He’s even holding her little fingers up although you can’t tell from the picture.

I can’t help but think that these are the types of things my kids will look back on fondly about their childhood. Not the big, expensive gifts we buy them for Christmas…not the staged family trips…but these simple everyday moments…

Getting to sit on the kitchen counter and hang out while Dad reads the paper and mom hovers around gabbing.

Happily Ever After.

So much more than Disney can ever make up.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    headbanging? you mean, you don't start off the morning with praise songs? tsk, tsk, tsk…

  2. 2

    Yeah really! The good christians listening to metallica??? Hmmmmm……:)

  3. 3

    Define good christian…


  4. 4

    Amen and AMEN to those memories your children will hold dear in their heart!

  5. 5

    I think I like you even more knowing you listen to metal music over breakfast. Way to build the memories with your family, so true about the "happily ever after!"

  6. 6

    Sweet memories, Jeannett. You're lucky to have Andy home in the mornings- Ted starts work by 6 every morning, so my mornings look nothing like this. Although I must defend Disneyland… sweet (albeit more expensive) memories can be made there, too. :-)

  7. 7

    P-I was actually referring to the Happily Ever Afters in the Disney movies. :) And yes…someday we'll go to Dland as a fam…just not until the girls are old enough to even remember us dropping a house payment in one day! ;)