
The last few days Henry has been calling us by our NAMES.

“Where’s Andy?”

“Um, DADDY is at work.”

“Yeah. Andy’s working.”


Or my new “favorite”:

When I’m busy and he doesn’t have my attention…

“Jeannett! Jeannett! Jeannett!”

Really? Wow. Seems a bit early. Gee whiz.

He’s two.

TWO, people!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    That's funny! He'll grow out of it, so enjoy.

    My computer finally cooperated so I could watch your journey of faith segment – well done! Your story is one that needs to be heard – thank you for sharing. Keep on keepin' on, as they say. Praying for you!

  2. 2

    hahaha this CRACKED me up :) how hilarious… to me anyways ;)

  3. 3

    Kids are so smart. When Emily first said, "Hi Liz" I was sad before I realized it was totally normal. But she has never called her daddy anything but "Daddy." Colin is probably too hard to say.

  4. 4

    Too funny! I remember my neices doing this too. I will laugh to hear my kid even TRY and pronounce my name, since most adults don't even get it right :)

  5. 5

    Wow, so formal.. too funny:-) I would pay to hear him call you Jeannett!!!

  6. 6

    that happens in our house too :)

  7. 7

    yep. that's typical. he's just excited because he knows your names and he's trying it out. he'll get over it. with our boys we just say, "yes, that's my name but YOU call me mommy" or "you call me daddy". sometimes i just say, "my name is mommy" whenever they try to call me kristen.