Surf N Turf 2009

Andy is in a little cult…er, I mean club…for Toyota LandCruiser owners.

He’s really into it.

In fact, we own 2 LandCruisers.

His is red. A 1987 60 series.

Mine is green. A 1999 100 series.

As much as I like to make fun of him about it…I love my car. Really. It’s fancy. And it’s big and heavy and it makes me feel safe. It’s a tank. Okay, so it only gets like 14 miles to the gallon, but it has butt warmers and that makes me happy.

Every year, one of the local LandCruiser guys organizes a huge event call Surf N Turf and it’s held at the Oceano Dunes. Which, happens to be about 15 miles from the house. Nice considering there are guys who drive from Canada, Pennsylvania, Wyoming…

This is the sixth year we’ve gone. It’s a tradition now.

In support of Andy’s LandCruiser love, the whole family geeks out for the event.

(Jill’s shirt says Cruiser Baby)

Nelle and Andrew came too.

It was pretty windy and cold so we camped out with the babes in the back of my truck and had a picnic lunch. It was…cozy.

It was a long day. It was fun. We were all very tired.
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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    So glad you were ALL able to go out to the beach! How fun! The girls look adorable in their little t's. Soon they'll be in their bikini's.

  2. 2

    More in common?!?

    We stole a Landcruiser when I was pregnant with Sedona. Okay, we didn't steal it, but Chris got it for a really good price through an auction at work.

    I have fond memories of that car. I always loved when it was called "beast" or "tank" or my personal favorite: "behemoth."

    It was the one car that actually fit my tall husband.

    Looks like a fun day!

  3. 3

    Cute hair, Jeannett!

  4. 4

    My brother and his family have a landcruiser…I'll have to tell him about this club – that's so great!
    Love the pictures – the girls are growing so fast…crazyness.
    Did you cut your hair??

  5. 5

    You're such a good wife.. I'm not sure I would have spend the day out there with Hen and the twins.. I'm much too lazy!!! Mr. Rocket Man better count his blessings!!