Random Project: Spice Rack

While cooking the other day, I reached for some cumin…and in the process, I managed to knock over the pepper, the garlic salt, and the vanilla.

Not only was this momentary chaos due to the overstocked disaster that is my spice cupboard, but I realized that many of my lesser used spices I have owned since I got married…


Sadly, they are probably even older than that because many of them are the ones that came IN THE BOX with the spice rack I registered for and got as a wedding gift.

I think you’re supposed to replace spices every year.


Many moons ago I came across these spice jar labels from Martha Stewart. Yes, I know that Martha is a bit passe nowadays, but the labels were cute nonetheless.

(You could likely make your own labels, but these were cute enough that I didn’t feel the need to recreate the wheel).

So, I dumped out all of my spice jars and ran them through the dishwasher…

…bought all new spices from the Mexican aisle of the grocery store for $0.69 a bag…

…then printed out the labels, cut them out, and attached them to the jars using mod podge

…organized, alphabetized, and matching.

Could it get any better???!!!

(This whole SAHM thing brings out the inner perfectionist in me that I have so long tried to bury…or actually….just didn’t have the time or energy to deal with…but don’t be fooled…I was interuppted so often that this actually took me three days to complete!)

I’m super lame for getting excited about this. No need to tell me…I already know.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    ooooh–your spice cabinet looks really good. want to come and redo mine now?

  2. 2

    Hey, little miss crafty! Love it! I'm sure our spices are about 30 years old. Since I don't cook much, I don't use them up. I should just redo the whole thing and learn what to use when. Very nice job, Jeannett.

  3. 3

    Not lame. Can you come over and do my spices?? And maybe organize my refrigerator while you're at it?

  4. 4

    What a great idea! I knock stuff over all the time. As a wannabe gourmet, I have some really old weird stuff in there. Maybe use a small sticker or tape to attach the date purchased to the inside of the lid. The Mexican isle rocks for inexpensive spices. Way to go! I am almost inspired. I just hate the thought of throwing away all those expensive barely used spices.