Random Project: Spice Rack

While cooking the other day, I reached for some cumin...and in the process, I managed to knock over the pepper, the garlic salt, and the vanilla.Not only was this momentary chaos due to the … [Read more...]


Upon the recommendation of Tracy, we decided to check out the Nipomo Pumpkin Patch this year instead of the usual Avila Valley Barn. We love the Barn, but it is super crowded this time of year, and … [Read more...]


Thought I'd share with you a glimpse into my morning and in general, a typical day in my life lately.For background, the girls got their first vaccine shots yesterday. Both are running fevers and … [Read more...]

Thanks PotteryBarn

For the fabulous inspiration.I will not, however, be purchasing your $12 dried leaves.I have some in the front yard for the bargain basement price of big, fat FREE.Thankyouverymuch.My leaves may not … [Read more...]

Rainy Day Reflections

It's sprinkling outside. A bit chilly. Overcast.House is quiet.I can't help but get wrapped up in my thoughts this blustery morning.Jill's therapist just left.Andy is on his way back from Henry's … [Read more...]

Church Campout

Just got back last night from the annual Grace Church Family Campout.Lots of fun.Lots of work.But we "Princess Camped" this year...rented an RV. I just couldn't bring myself to tent camp with twin 3 … [Read more...]

Mommy Time

I've found that Henry's behavior for the entire day is largely dependent upon whether or not he gets some one on one time with Mommy. I try to get that in during the girls' morning nap.Some days we … [Read more...]

Does this creep anyone else out?

I sent Andy to the grocery store the other night for a couple things.He had a hankering for ice cream.Which, I cannot have.So, he searched around for something that might satisfy my own sweet tooth, … [Read more...]