Who on EARTH…

…decides it’s a good idea to potty train their 2 year old little boy this weekend…

…when they also have not-quite three week old twins???

Yeah, that would be us.

Because we are gluttons for punishment.

But really, there are a few reasons this *might* be a good time:

1) Henry is pretty ready. He is aware of what is going on.

2) The kid has a diaper rash like you would not believe. He sits in his poop…and knows it. It’s out of control and the only way I can figure out how to heal his little bottom is to get him out of diapers once and for all. (Although Joanie’s secret weapon of Baby Aquaphor + Burt’s Bees Diaper Ointment is AWE.SOME. Thanks!!!)

3) While the girls ARE little, the good part is that they sleep a lot right now. My thinking is that the longer I wait, the more awake they will be…and the harder it will be to deal with potty training and two 6 month olds??? I could be wrong…

4) Frankly, we are averaging about TWENTY FIVE diaper changes a day between all three kids. (Granted, the vast majority are the girls). It would be nice to whittle that number down…even if it’s just a little bit…

This may be a miserable failure of an experiment.

I’ll keep you posted.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    That's insane.. but one less kid to change in the long run is easier!! Hang in there.. it will get better.. right?? b

  2. 2

    ha ha ha ha. that's all i can say at this point. oh, and henry is so cute in his undies. i love the little undies, however, i don't get a chance to buy them as my boys wait until they are almost 4 to potty train :)

  3. 3

    I potty trained Zak when he had just turned 2 and both Eliannah and Eliot were potty trained at 18 mos. If he's ready it is actually easier to do the younger they are because they aren't so resistant. Just as a heads up, once the novelty of going in the toilet wears off he might not be so excited about making the effort but with Zak I got him to help throw away the baby diapers whenever I changed Eliot and be involved in the diapering process so we could reinforce the fact that diapers are for babies and underwear are for big kids. Best of luck!!

  4. 4

    Go for it! I think it's easier when they are two than three. Just keep him in real undies. If he's wet, he'll feel it and not like it. Pull-ups keep them too dry and happy to set in it!

  5. 5

    funny! we're starting officially tomorrow for si. he's been asking to go on the potty and actually going a couple times a day, so he's definitely more ready than we are. but we don't have twins, either. good luck! i'll be thinking of you when i'm wiping up pee next week!

  6. 6

    I'm right there with you! Will–at almost 2 1/2–is kinda ready, but not so happy to have his daytime play interrupted with such fodder as urinating in a cold toilet bowl! :0

    Are you using a padded seat or does he have his own mini-size potty? We're still trying to decide if Will would rather go "on his own" since he's so independent. But, then I'd have to clean the thing!Best of luck!!

  7. 7

    Katie-We have a mini toilet for him. Potty training was put on hold for a few days…I forgot that we had company coming later that afternoon (after I posted!) and with church the next day and daddy out of town for three days, we will pick it back up next week. We still want to tackle the issue now…the specific weekend just wasn't very well thought out! Blame it on my mush brain! (Oh, and this is Jeannett…just saw that Andy is logged in!)

  8. 8

    Matteo has expressed interest in the potty areana lately so I just ordered a potty seat on-line that gives him a step up on to the big potty so he can stand like daddy and aim, then it also makes the seat sizable for his tushie if he wants to sit!! Good luck.

  9. 9

    This is really tracy!