Miss Thang

Little Miss Baby B has certainly proved to be a handful.Remember how at 30 weeks she was head down?And then at 33 weeks she was breech?And then at 34 weeks she was transverse?Yeah, well, she's head … [Read more...]

Twin Belly Shot: 35 weeks

Holy *freaking* moly.I really shouldn't go out in public.I convinced Andy to take me to dinner at Applebee's tonight. I was so sick of being in the house and thought I might go cuckoo.I felt eyes on … [Read more...]

Under Pressure

(Anyone else can't help but hear the David Bowie song when you read the title???)Lots to say so I'll put it in bullet points:The girls have "dropped". I feel like I have a bowling ball between my … [Read more...]

Diaper Bags

I really wanted a fun, stylish diaper bag...that was a back pack, considering I won't exactly have a lot of extra arms. After searching around I realized that the cuter bags were the traditional … [Read more...]

I have a plan…

I'm going to take a photo of my bare belly.In all its stretch marked glory.In bad florescent lighting.With the flash on.And wait until my girls are 16.With their perky little teenage bodies.And tell … [Read more...]

Twin Belly Shot: 34 weeks

Notice how my shirt has this fancy built in feature that keeps me from getting overheated.State of the art, I tell ya.Nothing but the best.Yes, I chopped my head off.Being on bedrest doesn't translate … [Read more...]

What a little PUNK!

So, I realized this morning that I hadn't really felt Baby B move in a while...I felt her last evening, but I hadn't felt her moving all through the night or even this morning, so I got nervous in … [Read more...]

Psychology of a Twin Pregnancy

If you are ever pregnant with twins, the FIRST thing you will notice is the apparent doom and gloom associated with it. Words like bedrest, pre-term labor, twin to twin transfusion syndrome, Intra … [Read more...]