Twin Belly Shot: 28 Weeks & Milestone #2

Is that a double chin I see? Yes, yes indeed it is. Ugh.

Well, the weeks just keep on ticking by, and while in some ways it seems to creep by, in other ways, it is FLYING. I think that the back aches, exhaustion, uncomfortableness, and the frequency with which I pee…makes it seem to go by slowly. But then I realize that I only have 8 weeks to my 36 week goal!!! Yikes! How did I get to the single digits already???!!! The best news is that I’ve made it to Milestone #2!

I had a perinatologist appointment last Thursday…Baby A weighs 2 lb. 6 oz. and Baby B weighs in at 2 lbs. That’s only about one pound shy of how big Henry was at birth!!! And don’t forget that I have TWO placentas and TWO amniotic sacs, so it’s actually overall more in my tummy now at 27/28 weeks as I was at 37 weeks with Hen Ben. Yikes. I am going to be H-U-G-E.

Even though I am likely measuring more than a full term singleton by now, I still constantly hear “you don’t look like you are carrying twins!” Which is funny, because numbers don’t lie. I started thinking about this phenomenon…that while people think my friend Kate looks “so big”, she and I measure the same…yet I’m told that I look “small”. And we’re the same height…maybe it’s because my butt is bigger? :) But really, I was thinking about it today and I came to the conclusion that people have a distorted sense of what a twin pregnancy should look like. I think they expect this over-the-top gigantic, special effects movie look. That’s not to say that I won’t be gigantic by the end of this journey, but in general, I think people expect a much more dramatic sight. And I think they expect it from the very beginning of the pregnancy…whereas, the time when I will likely look the most like I’m actually having twins will be towards the end. Otherwise, I just look like a normal pregnant person…except that instead of saying that I am due any day, I still have 2+ months to go! Anyway, that was random, but just a thought…

In other news, I think it’s only a matter of days before my poor little belly button pops out…it is soooo sore. It hurts. And the skin on my belly is starting to ITCH. I slathered it in Vitamin E oil today, so hopefully that helps a little…sigh…just eight more weeks…eight more weeks…(now watch, I’ll be that 1% who goes to 41 weeks…)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    My mother-in-law (Noonie) went 40 weeks and 5 days with her boys. At the end of August. In San Bernardino. Poor, poor woman. I’ll pray you go early.

  2. 2

    i meant being at home and not working.

  3. 3

    Only 8 weeks until 36 weeks? !! That’s so fantastic–keep up the good work. How’s homelife?

  4. 4

    41 weeks with twins is UNFATHOMABLE and more than a little admirable in this age of inducing, but I admire you no matter when your daughters arrive.

    Keep up the great work!

  5. 5

    I’ve been out of town and am just now catching up – you look GREAT!!! You seriously do look small to me, for someone carrying TWO babies! Congrats on making it to milestone #2 – won’t be long now before you’ll be holding those girls :)