Weekend Fun

We had two sets of family in town this weekend. Andy’s aunt, uncle, and two cousins were here the entire weekend and my dad, sister, and two brothers came up on Saturday…it was a full house, but we had a blast. (there was of course that little “incident”…let’s just say it involves my keys and the bottom of the Pacific Ocean…and let’s just say that my car is stupidly fancy and it was the ONLY special key we had so now my alarm goes off every. single. time. I unlock the door…but hey, c’est la vie!)

We decided to go to Avila Beach for part of the day…Uncle Justin seemed a little more freaked out by the slide than I would have imagined a 19 year old would be…

Marcia, Tess and Me at the Monarch Butterfly thingy in Pismo Beach…

Grandpa decided that if Henry had never had ice cream before, his first one should definately be a Haagen Daas!

Can you see my keys??? Quick Henry, go get them!

Braving the cold water with mom…

Tess, Henry and Marcia…in a photo I believe is destined for a MySpace page…

Spoiled. Rotten. And loving every minute.

Fancy derby hats.
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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Fun! Bummer about the keys. How long will you have to go on with the alarm thing? We were just at Avila, too! Did you go today or yesterday?

  2. 2

    We went yesterday…as for the keys…well, we’ll have to deal with it sooner rather than later because the alarm thing is a bit more than annoying…but it’ll cost us anywhere from $250-500 to get it all resolved. Yeah…

  3. 3

    yikes!!! wait did henry throw them over, or was it you?, your notorious for doing things like that….remember the locking the keys in moms trunk incident…. i had them in there and you closed it, it was team work baby!!! (could of been vise-versa)

  4. 4

    No, the keys were in Marcia’s pocket and when she bent over to tie her shoe, they fell out and fell between the pier slats…it was a total accident…besides, it’s my fault…I shouldn’t have asked someone else to hold onto my keys. Live an learn.

  5. 5

    oh I can’t believe that about the keys – that SUCKS!
    otherwise looks like a fun day though – and great pictures :)

  6. 6

    oh it must run in the family, we all do retarded stuff like that, i do that all the time, your the queen of it and now marcia…. hopefully the babies dont inherit this gene of unecessay grief….