Random Tidbits

There are a handful of random things that I have come across that I thought were interesting, but they somehow didn’t fit into my regular posts…so I have prepared a compilation:

  • Regardless of which hospital I do end up delivering at, when it comes time to push the babies out (assuming I can deliver naturally), I have to do it in the Operating Room. Yes, a cold, icky O.R. with metal tables and big lights. A full operating team and anastesiologist (?) will be in the room (an audience!) but will not get involved unless necessary. I can labor in the regular rooms, but when it comes time to push I have to do it in the O.R. I guess they don’t want to have to wheel you down the hall if something goes wrong with Baby B or whatever. I’m bummed about this in some ways, but the good news is that by the time you get to the point of actually PUSHING, I really don’t care WHERE on earth I am. I could be down in the Gift Shop and not give a rip. And, I’m glad I was forewarned so that I won’t be surprised later. (By the way, almost all U.S. hospitals have this policy for multiples…sigh…).
  • They are called Twinfants the first few months. :)
  • I’ve blown through four twin books and they all say that pretty much the first three months are nothing short of hell. The first year is a complete blur, so make sure you take pictures because you seriously won’t remember a thing. They also say that twins are a blast and that they wouldn’t trade the experience for the world.
  • 70% of twins are born 4 weeks early. So, with a traditional due date of July 21st, Andy and I are just planning on the end of June…June 23rd is Henry’s birthday, June 22nd is our Anniversary…so if they do come then, we’ll have a VERY busy month! Yikes.
  • Oh, and it turns out that there ARE a set of twins on my side of the family. My dad’s aunt and uncle are twins. (I didn’t realize it because they’ve been dead for a long time and they lived in Portugal so I had never met them). So, it’s highly likely the kids are fraternal. That, and the fact that I’ve compared my ultrasound pics to others online and mine sure look much more similar to the fraternals than the identicals. We’ll see…
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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Your June would be like our May… May 28th and 30th are our son’s bdays and the 29th is our anniversary. I secretly always wanted twins. You are very blessed!! =)

  2. 2

    WOW – I have no idea about the whole OR thing. I would be kinda bummed about that too – but you make a good point…in the moment you probably won’t care at all :)

  3. 3

    Fraternal! How fun. It’s still kind of trippy thinking that you’re having twins. You’re going to do great and the OR is a nice precaution, as cold and hospitalish that it is. When do you find out the gender(s)?

  4. 4

    We find out the sexes at our next ultrasound appointment, which is February 24th. I’m starting to get antsy!

  5. 5

    Hey, Jeannett, one more connection: I’m from Portugal, too. More specifically, the Azores, on my dad’s side.

    I’m sorry to hear of the OR thing. That certainly would be disappointing, but it’s good to know that they’re ready for practically anything. I hope you’ll get to deliver naturally. I can tell it’s dear to your heart.

    Please call if you need help during the blur stage. I’m fairly close by, and I love to hold babies.

  6. 6

    Joanie-My family is also from the Azores…the island of Terceira…which island is your dad from? Both of my parents are from there, in fact, I was the first in my family to be born in the United States! :)

  7. 7

    I’m reading a book right now about the problem of obstetric fistulas in Ethiopia, and am finding myself SO GRATEFUL for the medical care we have here in the US. Praise the Lord we have access to surgeons and precautions in the event that we need it!!!

    Can’t wait to find out if they’re boys or girls!!!!!