Totaled Trucks & Busted Lips

Well, today was quite the eventful day!
I had a meeting in Santa Ynez and I suddenly realized that my phone was vibrating…because I had 11 missed calls. From Andy. He was driving along Highway 154 near Los Olivos (at 60 mph) on his way to a business meeting in Simi Valley…and a girl at the stop sign (not sure if she was stopped or blew through it) completely T-Boned Andy’s truck. The truck did TWO full 360 degree spins (with skid marks in the road to prove it!). Thank the Lord that no one was coming in the other direction, or behind him. In fact, if she had pulled out just one second earlier, he would have T-Boned HER…and that would have been bad. Really bad. In fact, the whole thing could have been REALLY REALLY bad. If ANYTHING had been remotely different…just a millisecond…one car nearby…had the truck rolled…Thank you Lord!!!! You are so so good to us!
Incidentally, I happened to only be about 5 miles down the road and my meeting was done so I picked Andy and Trevor up at a little winery that had seen the whole thing and offered them free wine while they waited. Then we drove to Buellton to get all of Andy’s personal stuff out of the truck. And said goodbye to it. The truck is totaled.

The girl’s car clipped his back tire as he passed and completely bent the axle. That’s his drive train lying on the pavement.

Her car.

It wasn’t until I SAW the truck and the way the steel and metal was crumbled up like a piece of paper that my knees went weak. Like I said, it was seriously one of those things where if even the slightest thing was different, I’d be at a hospital right now. I am so so thankful. Andy’s annoyed that his truck is ruined. I keep reminding him that that’s the LEAST of my worries!

A couple of hours later, Henry was running as fast as his little legs could carry him while pushing his new red wagon…and apparently he ran a little faster than his legs COULD carry him and he ate it…face first on the tile in the kitchen. Busted his little lip and blood was everywhere. Poor little dude. :(

And so that was my day. How was yours? :)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    my day was less eventful than yours! so glad everyone is in one piece. xoxo

  2. 2

    Jen called me earlier to tell me about the accident and I have been checking your blog ever since hoping you would post pictures of the car! OH MY GOSH! I am so glad everyone is ok.

  3. 3

    so so so glad you are all okay!!! wow. that is quite a day… I did laundry and vacuumed….

  4. 4

    oh wow! praise god that no one was seriously hurt! when andy is complaining about his truck, just remind him that trucks are replaceable – husbands are not.

  5. 5

    OH MAN, what a crazy day – thank goodness you are all fine (except for Hen’s busted lip)…sad about the truck, but very thankful I’m not reading about anyone being hurt!

  6. 6

    Car accidents are always so unsettling, no matter how minor. It is amazing what a one second difference could have made! I love that the winery provided free wine while the guys waited…maybe that helped ease the sting of losing andy’s truck…just a lil’ bit. :)

  7. 7

    OH Jeannett I’m so glad Andy and Trevor are okay!!!! How scary!

    I’m glad they got some free wine. They earned it!!!