Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1) How far along are you?
About four weeks.

2) When are you due?
Well, the online calculators tell me July 21st.

3) Wow, that’s close to Henry’s birthday!
Actually, his due date was July 17th…but he was born 3 1/2 weeks early (June 23). So, yes, both my kids have essentially the same due date…just two years apart!

4) Was this planned?
Yeah…but in the most casual, laid back way possible. I think Andy’s pretty surprised it happened so quickly/easily. (It only took two months).

5) Is Andy excited?
I couldn’t tell ya. He’s in Vegas. He KNOWS…after all, I texted him a photo of my positive pregnancy tests, but we haven’t really had a chance to talk very much. I’m sure he’s probably still in shock since he’s 100’s of miles away. He said he wasn’t completely surprised because I’ve been awfully “emotional” lately. I’ll get a better feel of how freaked out he is by it tomorrow afternoon. :)

6) How long have you guys known?
I peed on a stick at 5:00 p.m. yesterday. So, I guess 5:02.

7) Wow! That’s so recent! I can’t believe you guys are telling people already!
Yes, it is very, very early. We know that many people choose to wait announcing the news until after the first trimester is passed…but, we feel that: 1) we are terrible secret keepers…we held it in for 3 weeks with Henry, and it was excruciating! 2) This is my blog and life…mostly unedited…good and bad. 3) This child is a part of our family from here on out. Whether we get to meet him in July, or not until we get to Heaven, he is our little one and we love him dearly. (I obviously don’t know the sex, but I hate saying “it”…so for now, I’ll go with the gender neutral). Besides, if something were to go wrong and we did miscarry, not only would I not be able to keep that a secret either, but THAT’S exactly the time I need people praying for and loving on us!

8) Are you excited to be pregnant again?
I’m excited to be having another baby. :)

And the biggie…

9) So, are you to try going the home birth route again this time?
I can’t exactly answer that considering I haven’t talked about it with Andy in detail, but we have talked about it a few months ago in general. The idea of having a hospital birth is even more miserable sounding than ever before, because, I just HATED it. That said, I have a 20-40% chance of having pre-eclampsia again…and obviously that plays a major role in our decision. I don’t know, I guess if I could have my cake and eat it too, I would go to an OB/GYN for my pre-natal appointments and if everything looked okay, I would birth at home in a big tub o water! :) I’m not sure that’s even possible, or feasible, but like I said, that’s my “cake and eat it too” scenario. We’ll see…

10) Wait, didn’t you just buy a bunch of new clothes?!
Yes, yes, I did. Poop. :(

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    congrats! my boys were also due at the same time 2 years apart. i have a may 28 bday and a may 30. to makes things even more fun… my anniversary is may 29. you are going to love having them close in age!

  2. 2

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHH congrats!!!!!!!! so so so exciting :)

  3. 3

    Woah…so you told your husband that you’re pregnant via text message…but you’re not quite sure how he feels about it…since he’s in las vegas…sounds very jerry springer-esque, ha ha. :) I love it! Congrats!

  4. 4

    bummer about the new clothes. isn’t that just the way? but how exciting about the baby!

  5. 5

    i am so happy for you guys!! so exciting! i can’t believe that you told andy via text – that is awesome.

    (and i totally was thinking about you just buying all those clothes last night when i read your post hehe)

  6. 6

    2boymommy–my anniversay if June 22so it’s almost the same thing! :)

    Erica-Yeah, the text. There was no way I could wait to tell him on Sunday afternoon, and I wanted to just call and blurt it out, but I thought it might be more fun to snap a photo of the “proof” and send it. We’ve talked, just not a lot…and yes, it is very Springer-esque! :) Welcome to the 21st Century!

  7. 7

    I am so excited for you guys!!! I started reading your blog when you mentioned home birth on a comment on Brianna’s blog. It was so interesting. I just saw Minnie Driver on Ellen and she ordered a special tub for home birth. I am sure it was $$$ since she’s a celeb, but…

  8. 8

    SO FUN!!! Henry is going to be SUCH an adorable big brother! Yay for new babies! (And I LOVE the text message idea.)

  9. 9

    ohohoh Congratulations!!!! how exciting!!! But, could you please explain the riddle to me? I’m not uderstanding the “1 letter away from spaghetti sauce” part, and the “besides me” part. I’m so dense sometimes.

  10. 10

    Yes. A text. And all you ladies should know that I responded….with another text. That’s how I roll.

  11. 11

    Cool! I’m very happy for you, Jeannett. I hope that all goes well! Take care!

    Peace Out — Chamnap

  12. 12

    Love your answers and honesty. Our biggest hugs to you!!

  13. 13

    I am so with you about hospital births!! I would totally do it all myself but Phillip freaked out when I mentioned the possibility of a home birth (He is convinced that the birthing process is harder on him than on me) so no dice. You feeling ok?

  14. 14

    Congrats! I totally get it about telling early. Hey, we all need each other through the good and bad. We will be praying for some very very “good” to be coming your way this july! So excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!