Note to self: Always take the extra 10 seconds to put on PJ pants.

As I am putting on my make-up for work this morning, I hear Henry playing in his crib. Typically, I let him hang out in there for about 15 minutes playing happily before I go get him. This morning, though, I decided to go in right away for some reason.

I open his door and see my sweet little boy light up, flash his gap toothed grin up at me and gushes “Mama!” I flip on the light and am horrified to see that his smiling face is covered….in poop.

Yes friends, in my haste to get him down for the night, I opted to let him sleep in just a shirt and diaper. Apparently, he took off his diaper at some point in the night…and went #2 after the fact…and being a disgusting boy, he did not wake up or cry…so he slept in it.

4 out of 4 bumper pads had poo. Little brown fingerprints adorned his white crib railing. And poor Baby Tad…well, we’ll leave it at that.

So, I spent 20 minutes stripping all his bedding, tossed him in the shower with Andy, hosed off the sheets in the backyard, and got it all in the washer. Then, I got to work. Looking like a wreck, but hey, I got there.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    so gross! yes, those pj bottoms are a must. our non-potty-trained kiddos don’t go to bed without them because i’ve imagined scenarios just like yours!

  2. 2

    You know I’ve heard some people use duct tape….:)

    I’m SO SORRY, I have been there and it’s AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!

  3. 3

    Yuck! I’ll have to remember that!

  4. 4

    wow.. not fun.. but I do hear some parenting pros have used duct tape too…weird?! Hang in there, I hope it all comes out of the bedding!

  5. 5

    … but you did remember YOUR pants, right?… (in all the confusion, one could easily forget)

  6. 6

    ohhhhh no!! not a fun way to start off a monday.

  7. 7

    OY! Lemme tell ya – I get some GOOOOD information for my future from your blog. I will always remember PJ pants from this point on…thank you for sharing – haha!

  8. 8

    Oh My! Emily’s little girl friend did the same thing but SHE ATE THE POOP TOO! Hopefully that helps you feel a little better about the experience.

  9. 9

    abe pooping in the shower right after esther pooped in the bathtub doesn’t sound so bad now. thanks for making me feel better! so sorry that happened. and you didn’t get a picture of henry’s smiling poopy face? what kind of blogger are you? :)

  10. 10

    Just a note, he had not yet discovered the poop (it was hiding under his Little Giraffe blankie), it was just everwhere from him rolling around in it in his sleep!!!! BLECH. So, I don’t think he ate it.

    And Joy, for a split second, I did consider running for my camera, but I thought that might a bit over the edge! :)

  11. 11

    oh jeannett, what a horrible way to start your day! i can’t even imagine… yuck! i learned my lesson about putting dillon down without pants a few months back but luckily he just peed everywhere :)

  12. 12

    Poor Baby Tad!! I do hope you can salvage him. Every mommy needs to experience “poop art”. It is a right of passage!
    For what it is worth–I would have taken pictures !!!

    Love you all

  13. 13

    Do I laugh or scream? Both? I have been there, sister – only with the stomach flu (which Sedona and her dad had) and a three week old baby.

    There's washing the linens because it feels good to bless our family that way with fresh, clean sheets, and then there's WASHING THE *%&@# LINENS!!

    I'm so sorry.

  14. 14

    Oh my goodness…I just had the same experience recently. And this is my second kid! You’d think I’d have learned by now.

    Thanks for sharing and making the rest of us feel better about our own gross-out poop stories :)