Why I love Blogging

Not only does blogging allow me to keep up on friends & acquaintances in busy lives, but it also reminds me of the beauty, chaos, generosity, simple pleasures, tragedy, and wonderful mess that is life.

There are so many times that seeing a picture of Yosef‘s big smile turns my whole day around (Anna, Biniam and Kaitlyn too!).

That seeing yet another of Lindsey‘s clever crafting reminds me to pay attention to details.

That Esther‘s chubby cheeks are about the most darling thing on the planet.

That the death of Kristin‘s baby girl Amanda is a reality I just don’t understand.

That there is compassion in a world where adoption is happening all around me.

That they actually make pop up stand mixer shelves!

That little David is laughing in the face of doctors and proving them more wrong with every passing day.

That life changes and grows and moves in unexpected ways…

But above all, it is a tangible reminder that God is good and sovereign. That He gives and takes. That He is holy and wonderful. That I fall so short of His plan and desire for me, yet He loves me despite it all.

Blogging makes me take a step outside my own little life and remember that the world is turning all around me, and it’s not all about me. God has not promised our happiness. Believing in Him does not guarantee a pain free life. Following His will does not mean it will be easy. In fact, the opposite of all those is likely more accurate.

I appreciate all my friends who are willing to put themselves out there in bloggerland. Good days, bad days, creative days, days with disobedient kids, days where mommies pull their hair out, days where the girl you thought had it all together shows you she doesn’t…

Transparency is a breath of fresh air…and I think that Henry’s impending surgery is making me a bit self-reflective…

And with that, I’ll leave you with this little video. (I stole it from Joy). It’s one of those things that makes your heart ache and leap with joy all at the same time.


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    okay, i want that pop-up mixer stand. so many times i skip using it just because i don’t won’t to pull it out and set it up. actually, i want that entire kitchen.

  2. 2

    everything you said about blogging is to true. we’re praying for henry’s upcoming surgery. and that video is just so moving isn’t it? i was balling too when i watched it for the first time. what I love is that it reinforces and really talks about how Good our God is.

  3. 3

    thanks jeannett, that was a fun post. I totally love reading your blog too! loved the video, what a tear jerker.

  4. 4

    it IS pretty neat to connect w/ each other in this format. i’m usually tempted at least twice a week to trash my blog (for some reason i get annoyed at it when i can’t think of anything to write, and i also hate people to think that i think i have all this great stuff to say), but then i love reading everyone else’s blog, and so i keep doing it.

    i love your blog’s subtitle btw, so perfect!