
“They” say you should have pictures done at 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.


Took Hen to Sears yesterday. Warned the girl ahead of time that I wasn’t into props. No bunny ears, baskets, cowboy hats. Just plain.

She did well for the most part. But I think she couldn’t resist by the end. She pulled out this plastic boulder thing and tried to sell me on a forest background. No. But what about this wicker chair? No. We have really cute Christmas backgrounds. No. We have a cupid theme for Valentine’s Day. No. We can do a collage or make the photos look watercolor. Who does this?

Anyway, the pictures came out cute. He was sleepy so his eyes are a little red and puffy. Not as nice as the professional photographer, but good enough for 6 month pictures. I think it’s the lighting. We’ll use Sears again for his 9 month photos…I’m saving the “good” photo shoot we won in the photo contest (thanks everyone!) for his birthday.

He looks so old! Like a grown up! How on earth did that happen so fast???!!!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    OMgosh! I love the one with him grabbing his toes!

  2. 2

    SO CUTE! He is getting big.

    Your a better mommy than me. I did pictures at four months and never got her back in until her first birthday. Oh well. =)

    Are you going to be at Church on Sunday? I’d love to read that immunization book you were telling me about.

  3. 3

    very cute and very grown up! precious.

  4. 4

    i like sears for what they are. and hen’s pics are super cute. i think you had the appt i wanted yesterday–we’re going on monday. sometimes it’s kind of a pain to keep going, but looking back at abe’s and eli’s pics, i think it’s worth it.

  5. 5

    Lara-I’ll be there…and bring you the book. Yay!

    Joy-Yeah, it’s a bit of a pain. And by the time you get the pictures from the first session, it feels like I JUST got pictures of him done. But, I understand why you go back every three months the first year…they change so much so quickly! It’s amazing the difference!

  6. 6

    so cute!! I love them!!! Your little boy is so stinkin photogenic!!

  7. 7

    cute! that’s funny they kept trying to talk you into props and stuff, they’ve never tried to do that with me. overall we’ve been happy with sears for our kids, they always seem to get them to smile and it’s pretty affordable.

  8. 8

    I like all of the photos, but my favorite is the last one where he’s holding his feet!! It’s so freakin’ cute! :-)

  9. 9

    WOW – amazing how fast he’s grown, I can’t believe it! What fabulous pictures :)

  10. 10

    I think you made a great decision trimming his hair way back when. It is so full and beautiful!

    You have to say no to props! Inevitably that will be the best picture and then you are stuck with your kid wearing wings on your mantel for the next 6 months!

  11. 11

    s t i n k i n’ c u t e ! !

    yes, props are so not necessary. there are very few props i like.

    he’s soooo big!!

  12. 12

    his hair has gotten so long! i haven’t seen him for awhile, i guess. very cute pictures. our latest adventure there didn’t produce a single picture of silas worth buying.

  13. 13

    Bummer Lindsey! Well, luckily you hopefully only had to pay the sitting fee…or, if you’re like me, you just searched online for a free sitting fee coupon and got out of there for free! :)