
Henry’s new daycare said he was great on Monday. I’m not holding my breath. Call me a pessimist, but at this point, I’m not taking anything lightly. He was great the first two weeks at Wilderness…so we’ll see how he’s doing later on.

A few things: remember how he was puking? Well, while we totally thought he had the stomach flu again (which had me worried about an immune system issue), it turns out that he is also allergic (or intolerant or whatever) to soy based formula. On Saturday morning, I went out sans baby to get a pedicure with a girlfriend…Andy fed him a few ounces of soy formula to hold him over until I got home…a few hours later, he was projectile vomiting and feeling icky. How could he be sick again??? The next day, it occurred to us that daycare had tried soy formula the week before…

Good news is that he didn’t have the flu again. Bad news is that he’s also got an issue with soy. Worse news is that the only formula he isn’t “allergic” to is Alimentum…which is not only twice as expensive as normal formula, but smells like vomit and subsequently, he won’t eat it. Damn kid. (Can you tell I’m over it?) Needless to say, my alarm is going off at 2am every morning so that I can get an extra pumping session in…in an effort to supply daycare with enough breastmilk to not ever have to deal with formula. So, my baby sleeps through the night…but I still can’t. Poop.

(In case you were wondering, neither Andy or I are allergic to anything. Henry’s food issues were likely triggered by formula in the first place…immature digestive system, complex unbroken down proteins in the formula…had I never given him formula in the first place, we’d probably never even know he had a dairy problem…and I’d be eating ice cream RIGHT NOW!)

Last, but not least, we have a cardiologist appointment Friday morning at 9. Andy and I talked about it at dinner and we’re both pretty much banking on surgery being scheduled. If not, it’ll be a pleasant surprise…but we’re not wanting to be thrown off guard again.

That was a total downer of a post. Sorry. Totally didn’t mean it…it’s just where we happen to be right now. I’ll post something happy tomorrow. :)

OH! We got second place in the photo contest!!! Thanks for voting everyone!!! I got a second photo shoot!!! I’ll probably schedule it right before his birthday. So excited! (See, that was happy right?!)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    WHAT?!? henry didn’t win? he was totally the cutest! sorry things have been so hard for you guys lately. at least you have such a cute boy to look at and remind you of why you do all you’re doing. you can think of me when you’re up pumping because i’m surely up nursing!

  2. 2

    That’s okay…I got the photo shoot, which was the one I wanted, so it worked out perfectly!

    I hope my post didn’t come off too whiney…I wasn’t trying to throw myself a pity party…just reporting the facts, m’am. :)

    I’ll text you at 2…wait, I don’t have a free hand…

  3. 3

    hi, jeannett. sorry about all the stuff. keep us posted on hen’s doc appt–we’ll be praying

  4. 4

    Soy AND milk?! No fun. That’s a lot of foods he won’t be able to eat.
    Congrats on winning a second photo shoot! How fun!

  5. 5

    Well, hopefully he’ll outgrow the intolerances by the time he’s one. Apparently, it’s pretty common for little babies to have food issues and be perfectly fine later on. I sure hope so!

    I have a coworker who also couldn’t eat dairy and her daughter eats/drinks milk with no problem now.

  6. 6

    You don’t know me. I stumbled onto your blog through lisa leonard’s. I was good friends with tim and susie back before we all had kids (he was our associate pastor) and I know lindsey. As a mom of 4 I really feel for all that you are going through with your little guy. I too went back to work after my first was born and so remember all the illnesses and daycare dilemmas. I will be praying for you. I’ll be praying that God provides you with an opportunity to be home with Henry full-time. It may seem impossible but I believe in “Dreaming the Impossible”. Hang in there. This is a season. After my second child was born I took a huge leap of faith and quit to be home with my kids. It has never been easy (my husband is self-employed also) and we’ve made sacrifices, but I’ve never regretted that decision. Subsequently doors opened up in unexpected places and I have always been able to contribute to our family’s bottom line financially. At first the company I worked for hired me as an independent contractor. Now I own my own business as a family wellness coach. Anyway, like I said, I’ve been where you are (my son too had health problems as a baby) and I’ll be praying for you.

  7. 7

    I’ll be praying for your appt., I’ve been thinking about it off and on this week. Congrats on the photo shoot!

  8. 8

    my oh my. may He sustain you through it all. ahhh!