I need YOU!

Yes, you. Reading this post. Yup. I don’t care if you’ve never commented, or if you even know who I am in real life. :)

Remember those amazing photos I had taken of Henry? Well, the photographer is holding a Fall Photo Contest! So, that means that YOU need to click the link below and vote for little Hen. I don’t care if you think one of the other photos is cuter, you still need to vote for Henry!…but seriously, how could you?!


Voting runs from 6 am Monday to midnight on Friday, December 7th.

Do it!

Please? :)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Well, looked at the pictures and there is no doubt about it, Henry’s is the cutest!

    So sorry about your tree :(

    We have lots of pictures of Graeme and our dogs too! They are special.

  2. 2

    A late congrats to you and your husband on your new addition. Henry is little a hunk. Don’t worry you got my vote. If you still are wondering who I am; does ERNIE ring a bell? :)

  3. 3


    What’s your email addres???

  4. 4

    henry’s pic is the cutest, hands down!

  5. 5

    that was easy because henry’s picture was the best. seriously!

  6. 6

    yes so far he has 19!!! go ATT!!!!!! lol

  7. 7

    “Henry Luke” ;0) is so the cutest one on there, and totally winning!!!

  8. 8

    My vote just put him in the lead with 25 votes! Of course, his is the cutest picture on there.

  9. 9

    You are right- we have never met and I have never commented on your blog- but I voted for Henry!! When I voted, it put him in the lead with 30 votes! I hope he wins!


    P.S- I went to HS with Brianna, so I am not some totally random internet weirdo . . . =)

  10. 10

    Hello my dear. During the day you can e-mail me at work adriana_machado@gbtpa.com or in the evening adrianamachado79@hotmail.com. I prefer you send mail to my work during the day givin I can’t check personal e-mail from the office. Talk to you soon. SMOOCHES

  11. 11

    okay jeannett i tried to vote and the voting must be down or something. i’ll try again later. also i just noticed on the sidebar that you are reading that modern day knight book…so is henry a knight yet? what do you think of it? (haven’t read it so i think a book report is in order.)

    june you crack me up, i love the term “internet weirdo”! (and yes i can verify that june is a very sweet, normal person. :) )

  12. 12

    Brianna…you missed a key word in my side bar…books I am ATTEMPTING to read…I have a stack of about 10 books on my nightstand…I waffle around between all of them depending on my mood. So far, I think I like it, but maybe I should just commit to one book? If I ever do, I’ll submit a book report with properly annotated bibliography.

  13. 13

    Love that silly little tongue sticking out. Anyway, I tried to vote, but something must be wrong because I can’t click on anything! I thought I was “computer savvy.”