Yo Ho, Yo Ho…

Yosef and Biniam’s third birthday party was a pirate theme and the kids were encouraged to dress up…so, not wanting Henry to be the only one in “street” clothes, I bought him a little bandana and Lindsey made him the cutest skull shirt! I wanted to draw a little tattoo on his arm but he wouldn’t sit still…

Doesn’t he look dangerous?! Thanks Mrs. Cheney!

Update on daycare: he’s still incredibly fussy for her…yet, happy as a clam on the days home with me, which would suggest that it’s not a physical problem (pain, gas, teething, etc.). I’m beginning to think that it might just be stress…like, overstimulation of having so many kids around playing and screaming. Nothing else makes sense. Hopefully it’ll get better soon! In the meantime, I’m cutting all dairy out of my diet in case he has an aversion to it and it’s hurting his tummy (although unlikely this far along). Spent 15 minutes on the phone with Dr. Bravo going over what the issue could be, and he thinks it’s just a stage or something…

Janelle- I mentioned Celiac’s to my pediatrician and he said that it’s not possible at this point since he’s only on breastmilk. The allergy to gluten wouldn’t show up until he actually had gluten…thanks for the suggestion! I’ll keep my eye on it!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I like his red bandana! It makes him look tough. :-)

  2. 2

    Hi Jeannett, I found your blog from Brianna and Kristen’s blog. My daughter reacted to me eating wheat when she was nursing at 3 months old. She had eczema and a rash on her face any time I had any at all. When I went off of it, the eczema was gone within 3 days. Anecdotal evidence, but she has been tested for wheat allergy now that she is 2 and is reactive to it. Just thought I would let you know if you did happen to suspect it (both my kids are allergic to dairy as well, but i am too so never ate it anyway)