Welcome Home Lance!

Henry and I went to San Luis today to be welcome Lance back home from the war. What a sweet time! It was so neat to be a part of something so special! It was a great turn out…probably over 300 people? I don’t know, I’m bad about these things…but it was awesome. Stardust Cruises limo service arranged for one of their big limo buses to take all of the family to pick Lance up at the airport and drive him home. The limo was escorted from the airport to their home by a motorcade of police on bikes and cars, an ambulance and a fire truck! Everyone lined the street waving flags, holding homemade signs, yellow ribbons everywhere and lots of screaming, hooting, and hollering, camera crews, you name it! It was awesome! Pastor Tim and Pastor Ken both prayed for Lance using a PA system and Lance said a few words of thanks. What a way to glorify God! It was just too cool.

Of course, I didn’t check my camera batteries before I left the house. We got there early and I happily snapped away, but the batteries died before people really got there…so the pictures below really don’t do the event justice…poop. I did, however, videotape the whole thing so that Andy could see it…he’s in San Rafael on business. It was so hot (85 degrees), but Henry was a trooper and just chewed happily on his baby bjorn.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Awesome! I guess more people turned out for that than for Monday Night Football…