Daycare Drama & Is that a TOOTH?

Andy’s out of town on business, so I had to pick up Henry at daycare last night. She informs me (very nicely) that he’s been really really fussy lately, won’t take a bottle and is just really difficult in general. We talk for a while and she basically says that while she loves him to pieces, if it doesn’t get better, he may not be able to continue going there. AHHHH!!!

As I’m walking out the door, she mentions that he has a tooth coming in. I thought that was odd, but I was so disheveled and stressed out by the half hour discussion that could end my current daycare dream, that I didn’t quite stop to think about it.

Well, sure enough, I stick my finger in his mouth and there’s a sharp little bump under his gum! At FOUR MONTHS OLD! Oh, and it gets better: it’s his TOP front tooth!!! No, not the standard bottom teeth…you can’t see it yet, but you sure can feel it. (Dori just about died laughing when I told her it was the top tooth…she didn’t even realize that was possible). And he’s drooling worse than a rabid dog. Not to mention that nursing should be interesting….

When the shock of his early teething finished setting in, it occurred to me: Duh. That’s why he’s been so fussy! No wonder he won’t eat! It hurts him! So, I went to Longs today and bought every teething toy and every bottle nipple and teething gel and teething tablets. Hopefully, after dropping a whopping $60 on baby items, his day at Wilderness will be more tolerable for everyone involved.

Between a lingering cold, a gnarly case of the flu, severe dehydration and cutting his first tooth…poor little guy has had a rough couple of weeks!!! Good grief!

Dear God, are we done yet? Really? Seriously? I cry UNCLE! :)
(I’m fine, I’m just being dramatic).

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Oh my goodness! Can’t she hang in there a little with his fussiness? Give it a couple weeks and TALK about it before making any decisions! Hang in there. It will mellow out.

  2. 2

    If you haven’t already, you should buy Hyland’s Teething Tablets. My sister and good friend used it for their babies. It’s sweet and it dissolves right away.

  3. 3

    hylands are amazing!!! it’s the only thing my mom used on my brother and they worked like a dream!!!

  4. 4

    a tooth already!? he’s an early developer. sorry about the fussies. i think the teething tablets work well. see you tonight?

  5. 5

    dude is that legal to not babysit a baby because there fussy!!lol jk but that sucks i would be so pissed you know me i would of snapped its not like hes doing it on purpose to be a brat, i dont know but that irriates me

  6. 6

    Hyland’s is homeopathic…of COURSE that’s the kind of teething tablets/gel I bought! :)

    I’m getting more and more granola by the day!

  7. 7

    Jeannett – Andy started with teeth at 4 months – sorry. But at least he started on the bottom like most babies! Be firm with biting and nursing. They can learn not to bite you with some gentle reminders. Hang in there and don’t ask God if you’re done yet again! Think about Duncan’s latest speeding ticket.

    Kiss Henry for me – love all of you.

  8. 8

    It was so good to see you on monday. Hopefully this will be the solution for his fussiness.

    Maybe in exchange for all this drama at an early age, he’ll be a really easy two year old…or teenager. Maybe? =)

  9. 9

    AhA! So it IS Andy’s fault! All my little books say that teething is hereditary and if one parent started early, so will baby…

  10. 10

    In response to your comment on my blog. Tuesday was officially my last day nursing. I started supplementing with formula once a day when Ainsley was five months old. The girl stopped gaining weight around 2 months, maybe a half pound a month so I wanted to make sure she was getting enough. Then I went to California a few weeks later and she wouldn’t eat her cereal or take a bottle. Right after I got home we started potty training. It was so stressful that my milk didn’t let down the first day at all. Ainsley had 14 ounces of formula that day. Then I started offering a bottle after each nursing. She would take about 4 ounces everytime she nursed. So it was apparent that she wasn’t getting enough. I was still nursing a few times a day for comfort, then she started to pull off and suck her thumb, apparently more comforting then me. So, we made it 6.5 months, I nursed Ainsley for 9, but I am happy with 6. She is taking about 22 ounces of formula a day and eating three full meals. All grown up at 6.5 months, so sad…

  11. 11

    Shouldn’t the daycare realize his fussiness was due to the tooth coming in, since she discovered it?
    Also, remember these days with a smile, you will soon look back on them and realize that they were the easy times.

  12. 12

    wow you guys have had a rough go of it lately…I hope he gets over the fussyness soon :)
    I can’t believe your daycare people would give up so easily – all kids go through phases! Talk about stressing out a parent…sheesh

  13. 13

    are you done yet?! ha! it’s just starting, my friend. but seriously, i hope things calm down for awhile!

    i hear you can get a tooth as early as four months, and it seems to me one of my boys started with a top tooth too.