
…Ahem (clearing throat)…

I officially weigh LESS now than before I got pregnant!!!

Ok, so only by a pound, but hey, it counts doesn’t it???!!!

All 40 pounds of baby fat (and I mean fat) are gone, plus one. It was discouraging for a while there because I had lost a bunch of weight right after the birth (22 pounds by day 13!), but for literally two months, I weighed exactly the same. Not a single pound came off.

Thanks to the support of my co-workers/friends, I’ve been able to kick the rest of it off. I have to admit that it’s really just the nursing that’s getting the weight off…I can’t truly diet since I’m still breastfeeding, but I have been keeping away from unusually bad food choices. The girls at work have “Moment of Truth Monday”. We weigh in first thing Monday morning and have to email eachother what we lost or gained and how much. It’s a good way to keep me from stuffing my face during the week…the shame of emailing everyone to say I had gained! Horror!

This dairy elimination isn’t hurting either…I lost four pounds last week alone! Just goes to show how much cheese, milk, and butter I eat normally!

Sadly, I have another 15-20 pounds to go. If only I had been disciplined before I got knocked up…

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    congrats–that’s quite the accomplishment. alas, for me, i need about an extra 10 pounds for milk production. i tried taking it off with abe about now and my milk production really started dropping off. so, i need to wait before i start dropping the extra weight. is it hard to drop the dairy? that would be hard for me.

  2. 2

    The dairy thing is especially hardest for breakfast. When you can’t have milk, butter or yogurt, what on earth do you eat? Eggs. Dry toast with jam. Lunch and dinner isn’t so bad…but I can’t eat any pre packaged stuff…you’d be amazed at how EVERYTHING has milk or dairy proteins…I have to read labels and there is a list of like 20 things that are dairy derivitives (casein, whey, paneer, etc).

    Went to a party the other night and they had like 7 appetizers and 6 deserts…couldn’t eat a single one. Either had cheese or sour cream or butter in/on it. Thanksgiving will be bland this year: no mashed potatoes, no pie…pretty much turkey and veggies with only salt. It’s tough and I was really frustrated at first, but it gets easier with time. The things we do for our kids! He better outgrow this!!!

  3. 3

    and I thought things were bad when I had to give up chocolate for Eliannah … Congradulations on your weight loss. You look terrific!

  4. 4

    Yea, no chocolate either. Or cookies. Or ice cream. Or pretty much anything else. Or so it seems.

  5. 5

    good luck! my goal is to keep my weight the same during the holidays, I’ll work on getting it lower after the first of the year.

  6. 6

    so, to lose weight, I just need you to come over, tell me everything I can’t eat, and maybe figure out how to start lactating without having a child…. hmmmm… It’s a thought.

  7. 7

    ACTUALLY Carrie…

    You CAN lactate without ever having had a child before. Apparently, many women who adopt do it…I don’t know what it takes, but I guess it is possible (albeit a lot of hard work and prep)! In your case though…I would suggest just getting to business and getting pregnant! :)

    (I can say that now that you’re married! Hee, hee!)

  8. 8

    yippee!! i too am back to my normal weight, however am still carrying extra fat stores (around my middle basically) and that doesn’t go away till I’m done nursing. i told ya, it does come off! and you look beautiful!!!

  9. 9

    okay, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i still have 3 or 4 Nehemiah pounds left (yeah, he’s almost 18 mos, but i haven’t been working very hard at that for awhile now). and let’s not talk about the 20 pounds leftover from my pregnancy with zeb!

  10. 10

    oh, and i wanted to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! and during the holiday season… that’s seriously impressive!