Tracy’s Shower

I threw my friend Tracy a baby shower today. She’s pregnant with a baby boy and due in mid November. I totally stole Lindsey‘s ideas and just shy of copied a shower she threw for another friend detail for detail…only I used blue accents instead of pink! So, I get no points for creativity folks!

Stamped napkins. The invitations had this same stamp on the front saying “A little bird told me…” and the inside said “…that Tracy is having a baby boy!”

Table decorations.

Aren’t these orange roses gorgeous?!

Make your own sundaes.

Sugared walnuts as favors.

Okay, so here’s my big mess up of the party. I tried to re-create these darling cupcakes I saw on This is what mine looked like. Below, is what they SHOULD have looked like. Sigh…

They looked so easy…my birds were so ugly I didn’t even bother with the coconut nests…

Tracy and her daughter Serafina.

Me and my boy.

Modeling his big man clothes.

Those toes!

This grin just melts me.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    i think your cupcakes look cute! piping frosting is harder than it seems–at least what i think. i have always wanted to do those cupcakes, too. what a coincidence. henry looks so cute in his bigman clothes.
    we probably won’t be at church tomorrow–last week eli and cade were sick and now abe has a fever. sigh. maybe cade will come tomorrow and represent. maybe i’ll actually get to see you again soon!

  2. 2

    You’re just avoiding us. I know it. :)

  3. 3

    so fun! when did serafina grow up?!

  4. 4

    first of all, henry is sooo handsome! second of all, i love those cupcakes you made! i clicked on the picture to make it bigger, and i could totally tell those were sweet little birdies on your cupcakes, so way to go!!!

  5. 5

    jeannett, you’re amazing…being a mommy, wife, worker, and throwing a baby shower. wow! it looks beautiful…go girl!