First Day Back

First day back at work was actually better than I thought. I think I may have done all my crying on Sunday. I cried pretty much off and on the whole day and evening yesterday.

I did cry a little when I walked out of the house after dropping him off at the sitter’s. I went back on my lunch hour to nurse him, only to find that he had slept for almost four solid hours, so he hadn’t been too traumatized. He was fine when I picked him up at 5:15.

Chad and his kids stopped by and prepared a fabulous dinner for us, which was so nice and much appreciated.

All in all, a good day…work kept me busy, so the day went by pretty quickly and everyone at work was really supportive and sensitive to the fact that it was my first day away from my baby.

I didn’t realize quite how much I missed him until I got him home. I think I kissed his little face about 8,000 times and told him I loved him about 10,000 times.

The only real bummer for today is realizing that with a bedtime of about 7:00, that means I only get an hour and a half to spend with my little guy on work days. That’s pathetic. Sigh…okay, that got me crying again. Dangit.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    i can’t even imagine. hang in there!

  2. 2

    love you, jeanett. praying and thinking of you. oh, how my heart aches for you. but god in his sovereignty has a perfect plan. he is so good and he makes all things work out for good for those who are his. that is a comfort!

  3. 3

    I had every intension of calling you last night and then didn’t look at the clock until it was too late. I’m praying for you Jeanette. There is nothing wrong with crying over this transition phase. I’m glad it was easier on Henry than on you!

  4. 4

    You made me cry! When my hubby started working longer hours we shifted bedtime to 8pm,so he would have more time with the kids. It took a few months, but it was worth it.