Roses are Red…

…Henry’s mouth is VIOLET?!

No, those photos aren’t re-touched in Photoshop…

So, I think I mentioned before that I had thrush. Quick education: thrush is a yeast infection in my breasts likely caused by the 20 hours of antibiotic IV drip that I was on during labor. Add in warmth and moisture from breast milk and the planets are perfectly aligned for trouble.

Why am I not surprised?

I used Nystatin, a prescription med for both of us…for over two weeks with no success. With some research, the La Leche League suggests Gentian Violet and Brenda suggested BioK, which is a super potent liquid acidophilis supplement (the good bacteria that kills the bad yeast bacteria). The Gentian Violet is really messy and will stain anything in its path. Including little Henry’s mouth. Luckily, we only have to do it once a day for about 4 days.

Thrush is awful. It hurts. A lot.

Maybe someday nursing won’t hurt like hell and I’ll actually experience that wonderful bonding business all the books tell me about…

The kid is, after all, eight weeks old tomorrow. 10 feedings a day. 7 days a week. That’s about 560 pain filled feeding sessions. Sweet.

“How is it that every part of this child bearing expericne has been the hard way for you?” –Brenda


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    FUNNY! Funny, funny, funny! I laughed out loud when I read your “quote” by Brenda. I am laughing with you.. not at you. I used to say I experienced anything that could go wrong with my 1st after she was born.. but I’ll admit you have me beat… Lucky you :)… On the upside you’ll have great material for your stand-up routines.

  2. 2

    I’m soooooo sorry! I never really enjoyed nursing my kids but I had nothing specific to complain about. Way to push through the pain! Henry will most likely never thank you for it but you know you are doing what’s best for him … right?!

  3. 3

    Wow! That’s terrible that you’re still feeling pain while nursing! I thought it had gone away by now.

  4. 4

    i’m so sorry!!! i guess the only thing to say is, “it can only get better.” at least henry’s a charmer. :)

  5. 5

    O.K., now I feel badly… everyone else seems to have tapped into the appropriate response of “I’m sorry you’re in pain.. and I start with.. “funny.” Just in case, I thought I would clarify.. I do not think your pain/circumstance is funny… only your humor within the trial.. AND, by the way, I believe humor IS the first trait so necessary to develop in oneself when you first become a parent… So, WELL DONE JEANNETT! And I am so sorry for your pain and trial. I just found it particularly funny that you were actually able to find a “quote” about your situation :) Luv to you- E